How in the hell do you start-record-on-input in Reaper?


Nov 26, 2009
How in the hell do you start-record-on-input in Reaper?

I.e. so you set up and arm your tracks and stuff and then reaper starts recording/punches in when it detects input signal above whatever threshold.

How-do? :err:
Not a Reaper user so can't answer your question. Thing is tho - are you happy the software trigger/gate/whatever will respond quickly enough to not cut the front off your take?
Wouldn't it make more sense if you're using this for overdubs or something to just track the part again on another track?
Yeah I already know how to do that Sloan, but I sometimes use a KorgD3200 for tracking to and it can just punch on when it detects input. I figured Reaper should have a similar feature but if it does, then I can't find it >.<
I don't see a way to make it happen cause it would need to be hard coded in reaper itself, but try on the reaper forums there are some guru wizards there, maybe they can sort out something.

I personnally programed the F button to be "delete what i have recorded / go back to where I was / record again" so that i hit one button the "f" whenever i'm not happy and record again. When i am, i hit spacebar. It's quite simple that way ! So that I have R to record normally, F to record with this behaviour, and they are close to each other on they keyboard as well.
I figured this would be a standard feature that I was just being too dumb to find o_O guess I'll have to try and find a work around. Thanks anyway guys.
I don't see a way to make it happen cause it would need to be hard coded in reaper itself, but try on the reaper forums there are some guru wizards there, maybe they can sort out something.

I personnally programed the F button to be "delete what i have recorded / go back to where I was / record again" so that i hit one button the "f" whenever i'm not happy and record again. When i am, i hit spacebar. It's quite simple that way ! So that I have R to record normally, F to record with this behaviour, and they are close to each other on they keyboard as well.

I like this idea. good stuff
I'm not sure if this feature exisist's in Reaper. What I normally do is set a 1 or 2 measure count-in on the metronome. I actually like it more than the record on input.