How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

triviumlover said:
vikings are not even real. u guys are still living in your childhood fantasies.

We may not sail in dragon ships anymore, and there may no longer be new shores to discover, but the Viking blood and the Viking spirit still run strong in both Europe and Vinland. I'm sorry you can't understand that. But that's okay. We're used to being villainized and caricatured by those who fear us. It's been that way for one thousand years.

geeze hahah, how fucking pathetic can people get?
Triviumlover, its not about being wannabee vikings and only liking AA. We listen to AA for the music and the emotion that passes through it, and we never said AA was or favorite band. many of us also listen to thrash, heavy metal, black metal, viking metal..etc...
get a life dickwad and go listen to you mallcore shit. haha a mallcore boy talking about killing AA fans is the most ridiculous thing i've heard today.
Anyone else here thinks triviumlover is a fake account?
Think so.
So now maybe we can keep our focus on AA, thats why were posting here right? Do they sell their "Amon Amarth Vodka" t-shirts on the tour?
Yea, I didn't mind their older stuff either. But their new crap has been down sliding quite steadily. I'm not CoB biggest fan(or a fan at all for that matter). But I have to say that I respect them. The show they gave in the Opera house was amazing, almost as good as the AA show.
Thrymfal said:
why is it when you don't like something people call you closed minded. Clearly this isn't a case of prejudice, but of taste. I don't like the musical elements and directions of trivium, ergo, i dislike trivium, which has nothing to do with beig narrow minded. Christ man, it's like people expect you to get on your knees and fellate anything that somebody else called metal...
Well quite some people acted like that kiddo asmallchild, what would you think about them?
Man one advise:

Don’t drink as much as I did because the memories will be inconsistent with the bodily damage you will experience the next morning