How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

amon amarth is the opening band because they have less talent and are not as popular as trivium or cob ... plain and simple .... u guys will 1 day realize this
After talking to Amon and COB they thought that Trivium being an American band that they would have more draw because they have quite the fan base, they are unaware as to how large their fan base is in the US. Yes I agree that Trivium should have been first on the line up but whatever happened to Metal Being just Metal all these damn different genre names give me a headache. I myself do prefer the heavy compared to the lighter rock style due to the amount of vibration put forth when a good sound system is applied, not to mention the amount of energy the band puts forth. But come now who are we to bag on those who like classical (Bethoven) music?
I love classical music, techno as well. (Richard David James anyone? :D)

I thought Trivium would have brought a bigger draw to the show I was at too. I was afraid of drowning in a sea of fans. But to see all the people that there for AA and CoB was insane. Even since I didn't think anyone would be there for AA. I didn't get excited because I thought everyone would be standing still and not caring.

I don't think Amon Amarth have any less talent that either of the other two mentioned bands. Less popular possibly. Less talented? No way. How can you say that?
It's clear that AA is not as popular as Trivium is in the US, but its also clear that dimebag420 is a cocksmoker who has fantasies of one day becoming triviums man toy.

P.S. No one cares about dimebag anymore, and only teenie boppers attach 420 to anything. Get a clue faggot.
triviumlover said:
ha ha even aa's own fans admit their not popular

Yea in North America, just incase your dumb ass hasn’t noticed yet, popularity is exactly opposite to quality. Let me explain cause you’re probably retarded, seeing as you like Trivium – The more popular band becomes = the more they have to sell out and go mainstream = quality goes to shit.

Why have you not killed yourself yet?
triviumlover said:
ha ha even aa's own fans admit their not popular

I have one question: Who gives a shit?

A band doesn't have to be popular to be good.

Look at Yngwie Malmsteen. You've probably never have even heard of him and he's a guitar mastermind. (I believe even more than Steve Vai). He isn't popular at all but he can play guitar better than any other man on this fucking planet.
Thor_Arise said:
Fucking people in Canada are all mainstream. Only selected few are worthy of calling themselves true metal fans. People blindly follow the masses and assume everything else is not worthy and bad. Well to all the fucking idiots with no taste in music - FUCK OFF. And if you say that you like good music and you also happen to like trivium than either you're brain dead or just plain fucking stupid. It doesn’t get more mainstream than trivium. All the bands that are popular right now at one point or another had to alter their sound to conform with the masses. Fuck the bands that do this and fuck all their fans.

hey man i'm canadian and i dont like shit like trivium, im seein the concert on dec 12th 90% for amon amarth and 10% for cob, I just hope i can meet all of amon amarth!
and it's obvious trivium sucked off the concert promoters to get on this tour haha
Popularity does not equal quality. Example: hip hop - horrible "music" that has somehow conquered the world. Explain that.
VikingSF said:
Popularity does not equal quality. Example: hip hop - horrible "music" that has somehow conquered the world. Explain that.

Another prime example.... Oh wait! I can see it now!

*AHEM* /turns on n00b mode.


/n00b mode off