How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

hahah yeah, he did that for us too...and no one jumped at first...then he was all "fuckin jump!" and finally the people started to jump and waste their miserable lives doing so...I just sat and drank water and talked with friends.
theHaunted said:
I was also stunned. Amon Amarth played a fantastic show and all bands following just ended up appearing weak. Amon Amarth is way underated and is in my opinion on of the ten best metal bands of all time!

Thor_Arise said:
Originally Posted by theHaunted
I was also stunned. Amon Amarth played a fantastic show and all bands following just ended up appearing weak. Amon Amarth is way underated and is in my opinion on of the ten best metal bands of all time!
You meant yeah right there is no way AA are top 10there guitarist is good but other than that they suck balls
Thor_Arise said:
Yea in Opera House there where like 10 Trivium fans. All little 16 year olds. My brain was kind enough to censor all of the Triviums crap so all I remember is when the singer( the gay one) told everyone to jump up and down…

Did he tell you guys to run around in a circle too? I laughed at that, then cringed when the circle actually began forming. Too bad he didn't ask them to play dead.
it's gotta be someone from the forum, maybe DemonsandLies, he's been quiet lately, or perhaps Feralyminal fucking with us? Maybe a member of one of the bands...this thing could go really deep!
LMAO Triviumlover is probably my favorite user.

I am sure he is one of those "angry teenagers" that listens to nu-metal, hard rock and metalcore because it pisses him off and makes him want to unleash teh fucking fury and smash SHIT!!!!!!!11111111111!!!!!!!!1111111 EJALJHFSFAKJSFHKj
Proabably becuase the Trivium bitches alot -- the singer did bitch a hell of a lot when he saw those great people flipping him off -- geez, what a pussy. Of course there's gonna be people hate that music at a concert with great bands such as AA. He should have just taken it like a man and kept playing instead of stopping the concert (and wasting my time) to bitch at people...i decided to flip him off after that. At first i was just gonna do nothing and let the little kiddies enjoy their kiddie music, but not after that.
Triviallover (or what is the band called?), just makes the impression of bein' 11-12 yrs old, with no lock on his/her computer. When the parents find out that he/she uses their computer without asking, the meaningless messages will end. With no brain theres nothin to gain.:loco:
Bap said:
Proabably becuase the Trivium bitches alot -- the singer did bitch a hell of a lot when he saw those great people flipping him off -- geez, what a pussy. Of course there's gonna be people hate that music at a concert with great bands such as AA. He should have just taken it like a man and kept playing instead of stopping the concert (and wasting my time) to bitch at people...i decided to flip him off after that. At first i was just gonna do nothing and let the little kiddies enjoy their kiddie music, but not after that.

Maybe he should learn that people have different tastes and no one will ever like all the same stuff.

(I don't mean to offend anyone) But that is "the typical American mind set". Ignorance.

They know they are getting popular so they expect EVERYONE to like them. Well do you expect me (I listen to mostly death, melodic death and black metal) to stop what I'm doing to turn on MTV and watch their newest video? Uhhh no.
Actually I listened to Trivium last night as well as Still Remains and All That Remains.

ALL THREE OF THOSE BANDS SOUNDED EXACTLY THE SAME. My friend (who 'doesn't mind them') played 3 songs from each of those bands and I honestly asked him if he just played the whole Trivium CD.

I cannot stand the "dark" versus and then the up beat tempo chorus. What the fuck! That is NOT what metal is about. Up beat tempos? And some guy singing "I had always missed you" or some shit. Sing about mythology, pagan life, space, ANYTHING ELSE.

Fuck I was so pissed off after listening to that shit.