How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

The Bringer said:
(I don't mean to offend anyone) But that is "the typical American mind set". Ignorance.

We Americans get pissed off when others stereotype us as all being fat and stupid and ignorant. This impression comes from the fact that the prosperity and relative security of the United States has made many Americans very comfortable and often apathetic about anything other than their personal lives. However, our prosperity and success in the world indicates our level of intelligence and talent.

None of this means that Trivium doesn't suck, though. They still do!
VikingSF said:
We Americans get pissed off when others stereotype us as all being fat and stupid and ignorant. This impression comes from the fact that the prosperity and relative security of the United States has made many Americans very comfortable and often apathetic about anything other than their personal lives. However, our prosperity and success in the world indicates our level of intelligence and talent.

Yea but you have to admit that at least over 50% of the American population is stupid. They believe every single word that comes from the media. Most Americans have no critical thinking ability. They just eat up everything that get's thrown their way. That’s how George bush got elected, twice. He is the American stereotype. He says thing’s like:

“Most of our imports come from outside the country” or “If we don’t succeed we run the risk of failing”.

So I think it’s appropriate to say that over 50% of the American population fit the stereotype.
I am from the US...and i do admit that most of the society is a mirrored image of the media. I rarely see 'real' people anymore, it's just millions of clones it seems. And they all like the same shitty is really cool to meet people who think for themselves, and don't give a shit about what other people do
Thor_Arise said:
Yea but you have to admit that at least over 50% of the American population is stupid.

You can say that about the entire world - at least half of humanity is stupid, probably more. It's moronic to bag on one country over another for something like that. At least in America (and most of Europe) people are free to be idiots. I'd rather live in a democracy with a bunch of fucking idiots than in a socialist or dictatorial country with another bunch of fucking idiots. America is too easy a target to criticize for some people.
My girlfriend viewed Canada and America as one. She just called Canadians Americans because we all lived in North America.

She see's USA as a greedy country that cannot get their nose out of everyone elses business. But actually, I don't know what her real opinion of Canada is.

(She lives in Finland)

And I am in no way saying Canada is better than the USA. We have our fair share of idiots too.
Mork said:
Just a question to the people living outside North America, how to people view Canada?

Speaking aboot that, the canadian in my class (international school) is the person who bests fit what alot of people here try to say about the americans. But I dont generalise, it rarely turns out correct, eh?

Alot of people in Europe accept everything the media says too, and it's kind of true what they say about maybe 90 % of all people are stupid. But how does one categorise "not-stupid"?
Thor_Arise said:
Only thing that's better in Canada as opposed to the US of A is that we have better beer.

Hah! Yeah, American beer is shit, even those micro-brews. I personally like Dutch and German beers.
Best beers come from the Great Lakes region, on both sides of the border. That's where German and Dutch immigrants settled when they came to the New World.

edit: Sam Adams is decent too.
Anglorfin said:
Best beers come from the Great Lakes region, on both sides of the border. That's where German and Dutch immigrants settled when they came to the New World.

edit: Sam Adams is decent too.

Any particular Great Lakes beers you recommend? Cheers. :kickass:
The Irish are the friendliest people I've ever met, even to the point that it makes you suspicious. People in Ireland will invite you into their home and ply you with tea and cookies and offers to sleep on their couch after having just met you.
VikingSF said:
Any particular Great Lakes beers you recommend? Cheers. :kickass:

Haven't tried too many myself since I've only visited Wisconsin a handful of times. (I'm from NJ :rock: ) But I remember one called Steven's Point that's good. The bad thing (or perhaps its a good thing) is that most breweries up there stay local, even the bigger ones only serve a few states and provinces unless it's Miller.
The Bringer said:
A lot of Americans disguse themselves as Canadians when they go over seas because Canadians are "the friendliest people in the world".

I wouldn't do that -- I am proud to be what I am, and that is human. I am not ashamed to be an American, but I am disappointed in many things within the country (i.e. Pres. Bush)...and a lot of the music that comes from the U.S. -- there are a few exceptions though like Iced Earth, Absu, and NIle isn't too bad..i would like if they orchestrated their drums a bit more though