How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

I don't KNOW if those guys did anything to their bus, there was about 200 people standing right in front of it. When I noticed those two guys, they were talking to Alexi and getting his autograph and then getting chased by the 4 or 5 guys from Trivium.
The Bringer said:
People arn't going to like you, so who cares?! Blow it off and go on to the next show. Where do you think Fred Durst would be if he kicked the shit out of every person that ever told him he sucked. Probably extremely exhuasted and in jail.

haha, well said.
The Bringer said:
They accused these two guys about writing shit on their bus and then cornered them in front of the CoB bus, threatened to kick their asses and then chased them to their car in the parking lot and cornered the car on the street. All 5 guys tried to kick these two guys asses and they were just there (like us) getting autographs.

I watched it all from Children of Bodom's bus. I heard it all and it disgusted me.

People arn't going to like you, so who cares?! Blow it off and go on to the next show. Where do you think Fred Durst would be if he kicked the shit out of every person that ever told him he sucked. Probably extremely exhuasted and in jail.

They would not care if some people happen to not like them but they would be pissed if someone vandalized their bus, BIG difference. Trust me you would be pissed too if it was the bus that your band had to travel in everyday and it had some BS written about your band on it. When you think about it, how did this start anyway? By fans of another band who hate Trivium enough to vandalize their bus, this is the exact problem I'm talking about in my post. Oh btw Trivium is NOT metalcore in case you don't know. Anyone who actually listens to their music or know their influences would know that.
I don't actually listen to their music because I've heard their 2005 album and didn't like it. It sounded like metalcore so that is what I called it.

Do I need to apologize because I don't like it?

As an artist myself I am heavily influnced by Vikings and the Nordic life. The music is much better to me because I perfer it.

You don't need to start saying IF YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN TO IT. I perfer not to. Thank you.
big16g said:
They would not care if some people happen to not like them but they would be pissed if someone vandalized their bus, BIG difference. Trust me you would be pissed too if it was the bus that your band had to travel in everyday and it had some BS written about your band on it. When you think about it, how did this start anyway? By fans of another band who hate Trivium enough to vandalize their bus, this is the exact problem I'm talking about in my post. Oh btw Trivium is NOT metalcore in case you don't know. Anyone who actually listens to their music or know their influences would know that.

Shut the fuck up
The Bringer said:
It's awesome. If you like the old album you'll appreciate the new one. Hellhammer kicks ass on the drums. The 2 new songs are a breath of fresh air if you think Dimmu Borgir is becoming "sellout black metal". Those two songs are killer.

The live songs are laughable. Shagrath is horrible live.

Yeah i second that. Although the the 2 things that disapointed me was A. Shargraths vocie is too roboty or whatever. B. the keyboards are turned down low on stormblast which happens to be the best part of the song.
The Bringer said:
I don't actually listen to their music because I've heard their 2005 album and didn't like it. It sounded like metalcore so that is what I called it.

Do I need to apologize because I don't like it?

As an artist myself I am heavily influnced by Vikings and the Nordic life. The music is much better to me because I perfer it.

You don't need to start saying IF YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN TO IT. I perfer not to. Thank you.

You don't have to apologize for anything and no one is asking you to. I like Amon Amarth but if I didn't I would not look for every opportunity to bash and mislabel them like people are doing here to Trivium. Ofcourse a lot of people are not going to like their music but vandalizing their bus is taking it too far don't you think?
First off, learn how to use the edit button instead of posting 3 times in a row. Second, go troll around the Trivium forums and get the fuck out out. Just from your synopsis of all three bands in your first post I can tell your knowledge about metal/music is weak. No one gives a shit if you've been listening to metal since the 80's, you probably listened to crap then too. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and no one wants to hear your worthless opinion. So go listen to your so called "metal" and get the fuck out.
big16g said:
You don't have to apologize for anything and no one is asking you to. I like Amon Amarth but if I didn't I would not look for every opportunity to bash and mislabel them like people are doing here to Trivium. Ofcourse a lot of people are not going to like their music but vandalizing their bus is taking it too far don't you think?

Yeah, I don't know what the reason is behind the vandalizing but it is going too far. But them threatening to kick their asses is going too far on their end too.

It is very sad that people have to take the time to bash any band they don't like. If I see a band I don't like, I just don't bother with them. I am not a fan of Trivium so I will say "I don't like them." But I won't tell them off, vandalize their bus or troll their messageboard.
no trivium is not really trash metal! In the usa you've got a new genre which is almost identical to nu-metal. A little bit faster and louder.. but thats all. I dont know the name of that genre excactly.. but why should i fuckin care?
the only thing i want to say is that not all of the trashmetalbands suck! I like megadeth and metallica also. you can say i listen to 2 different types of metal: a little bit trash and a lot of viking/pagan/battle metal. AND TRIVIUM IS NO TRASH! fuckin nu-metal..
but lets stop talking about trivium and say to all those triviumgroupies they must shut their mouth.. im really sick of reading every time that trivium is a cool band and that kind of bullshit
lets say that we finally, after reading all quotes and threads about trivium, came on a conclusion which we already had before we read it: trivium sucks, and amon amarth slays.
ive nothing more to say about it..