How Is Amon Amarth the 'opener'

By popular demand...

"i said i wasnt trying to be an as or anything and u have to go and call me a piece of shit ... why dont u grow up u wannabe viking lmao PANTERA FUCKING OWNS AMON .. so u go back to sucking little boys off u fuckin waste of skin .. i tried to be nice and just list my opinion but u fuckin hardcore little amon lover has to get all offended lmao ohh man i would pay u to call me a piece of shit to my face ............ big viking drinking water out a fuckin hollowed out horn ... ya thats cool lmao ... dont worry u will grow out of it"
Enmity said:
By popular demand...

"i said i wasnt trying to be an as or anything and u have to go and call me a piece of shit ... why dont u grow up u wannabe viking lmao PANTERA FUCKING OWNS AMON .. so u go back to sucking little boys off u fuckin waste of skin .. i tried to be nice and just list my opinion but u fuckin hardcore little amon lover has to get all offended lmao ohh man i would pay u to call me a piece of shit to my face ............ big viking drinking water out a fuckin hollowed out horn ... ya thats cool lmao ... dont worry u will grow out of it"

what a dumbass....who'd drink WATER from a horn???

ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao
dimebag420 said:
ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao

You should shut your mouth Trivigayboy. Is it false to be proud of our ancestors?
No but it's not a trend or "in" Trivium would not sing about it.
Go back to your happy world of useless words.
We don't want to argue with you.
dimebag420 said:
ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao

Well first of all, music isn't about making the most technical shit. In that case why the fuck are you praising Trivium anyway? I'll give you CoB cus yeah they're pretty damned technical. If you're into that stuff then go look into Quo Vadis. You'll love them, and also probably not understand them because I believe you haven't played a musical instrument in your life. And Amon Amarth was 'signed' probably before you were born anyway. So you're right, people that get signed nowadays have no talent **cough** Trivium **cough**
dimebag420 said:
ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao

The only thing you could play is your dads cock in your mouth while you listen to your emo-metal.
dimebag420 said:
ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao

When was the last time anybody took someone with "420" in their name seriously? I can also admire your perfect use of English grammar.
dimebag420 said:
ha ... do something u fuckin fan boys .. why doesnt amon realize that they r not vikings and just be them self lol.. instead they have to be super cool and pretend there vikings ... ya real cool .u guys r pathetic ... maybe they should also get some talent, instead of playing simple ass riffs that i could play when i was 6 ... todays music has come to shit .... no one needs any talent these days to get signed lmao

Why don’t you realize that you are mentally retarded and shut the fuck up already. No one really cares what comes out of your mouth that you probably used to blow the fag singer from Trivium. Crawl back in your fucking room and keep cutting yourself.
Anglorfin said:
I pesonally never heard of Trivium until they were touring with CoB and AA.

Haha, same here. I tend to stick to the better part of the metal scene (in my opinion of course) and I guess Trivium and CoB (who I have heard of) don't fall there.

As for AA, look at the bright side. This way you don't have to sit through CoB and Trivium just to hear 'em play. ;)
here's what i think about all this. first off Trvium not much to be said except the little fact that they fucking sound like every other damn metalcore band out there. Now any ways, Cob is good not great but good. Amon Amarth, the best. I think the order should just be trivium and AA switch. Id be happy. so yeah.
Bastard child said:
Amon amarth > trivium

my ass > trivium

couldn't agree more.
me and my friends talked to AA after their show in SLC, and we told them
"You guys shouldn't be opening for trivium, they blow, you rule."
they just got embarassed. but in all honestly, they kicked the shit out of trivium, the only reason i dont say they did better than CoB is because CoB is one of my all time favorites, but even then, i think had AA had a longer set list, their show would have owned equally as much.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:

You still haven't answered my question, how's the remake of Stormböåst and the dvd that comes with it?

It's awesome. If you like the old album you'll appreciate the new one. Hellhammer kicks ass on the drums. The 2 new songs are a breath of fresh air if you think Dimmu Borgir is becoming "sellout black metal". Those two songs are killer.

The live songs are laughable. Shagrath is horrible live.
This threads shows the biggest problem in metal. Everyone wants divide into their own little group and hate other bands and fans of those bands. Do you guys actually realize that Trivium and Amon Amarth get along really well and would sigh at what they see here? Would you hate Amon Amarth if you found out that they respect Trivium? Let me set an example of what I think of each band without being insulting:

Amon Amarth: I recently got their last 2 albums and I think their music is catchy and their music is very easy to get into. I liked them from the first listen which I can't say for many other bands. The vocals though a bit typical they fit the music well. The music while not technical is very effective, they know how to good songs that's for sure. The lyrics are very poetic and descriptive short bursts which I like are lot and I find some similarity to their lyrics and some from Trivium especially Triviums first album.

Trivium: This is the band that I'm going to see and I wish they were headlining so I can see a full set from them. I think their music is some of the best from the metal scene in the last decade or so. And I'm been into metal since the mid 80's so I've pretty much heard it all. Trivium have a nice mix of heaviness and melody combined with excellent songwriting. Vocals are very versatile and their lyrics are meaningful and well written. They are young, extremely talented and work just as hard and any band out there. They have all the ingredients to be the next big band in metal. You guys think they should be opening? well I think they should be headlining! I've personally seen them upstage the headliners (Chimiara) on their last US tour.

Children of Bodom: decent band, very skilled in their instruments but their songwriting is hit and miss. Some of their songs have good riffs here and there but they don't mesh very well with the rest of the song. And the vocals don't help it either since they are not very special or distintive. Their lyrics are probably the most simplistic of the 3 bands and you can tell they are not great at the english language. There are a few songs of theirs that I like so I'm still looking forward to their set.

Some of you are going to read this and say I have no idea what Tr00 metal is. Well what is your idea of true metal? Music that has to stay underground and can't gain any popularity? Would Amon Amarth still be true metal if they sold 500 thousand more cds? I don't know about you but I like to see the bands I like succeed so they can have a career in music and not have to work shitty side jobs to live. And btw it's funny how some of you refer to Trivium as almost like pop rock band when most of their music is just as heavy as Amon Amarth. Just because they have some melodic parts and some singing in their songs does not mean they are not true metal.

OK I've said my peace and I hope some of you read more into my post before flaming me.
Well I respect your post and you hold a lot of good points. I don't like Trivium. It isn't their music. I don't listen to metalcore so I'm not a fan of their music. But that isn't what I don't like about them. I don't like them because they are immature. The show they put on last night (not on stage but after the concert was over) was disgusting and I can't believe they want to be taken as serious musicians.
They accused these two guys about writing shit on their bus and then cornered them in front of the CoB bus, threatened to kick their asses and then chased them to their car in the parking lot and cornered the car on the street. All 5 guys tried to kick these two guys asses and they were just there (like us) getting autographs.

I watched it all from Children of Bodom's bus. I heard it all and it disgusted me.

People arn't going to like you, so who cares?! Blow it off and go on to the next show. Where do you think Fred Durst would be if he kicked the shit out of every person that ever told him he sucked. Probably extremely exhuasted and in jail.