How is everyone's training going?


There are so many ads for diet pills here with ridiculous before and after stats

BEFORE: 50 kg (110 lbs)
AFTER: 38 kg (83.7 lbs)
I used to work out 3 days a week, very hard work outs, these days I mostly just run, about 2-3 miles a day usually. I've lost a bit of weight and feel more fit than I ever did when I was doing just weightlifting.

I want to work out again but I've been getting plenty of upper body exercise lately putting in a new drain field in our back yard; shoveling 11 tons of gravel and countless tons of dirt by yourself is quite enough.
I used to be able to bench over 300lbs, I probably won't get there again but I'd like to get to repping out over 200 again if my chest will allow it, I tore it like 3 years ago and it still doesn't feel right sometimes when benching.
My new job allows me to go to the gym for at least an hour every day on lunchbreak. Basically i'm where i want to be, huge :p j/k. My max bench was 320lbs last week and gaining. I've been taking this supplement called Maximize V2, very similar to N.O. Xplode but stronger. It really helps me focus while lifting and pushing out those last 2-3 reps more which is very important. Plus it keeps me energized for the rest of my work day.
My new job allows me to go to the gym for at least an hour every day on lunchbreak. Basically i'm where i want to be, huge :p j/k. My max bench was 320lbs last week and gaining. I've been taking this supplement called Maximize V2, very similar to N.O. Xplode but stronger. It really helps me focus while lifting and pushing out those last 2-3 reps more which is very important. Plus it keeps me energized for the rest of my work day.

Nice. Only taking creatine and protein, but have gotten my flat bench back to 245, and my incline to 225. I do incline first, if I did flat first I could probably move more.

I have some NO Xplode but never take it.

I mentioned meds earlier...was more talkin illegal substances etc...jokingly.

Also, you mentioned proper diet / diet pills. Other than vitamins or natural fish oil suppliments...I stay away from pills including painkillers unless its something to subside swelling? I'd rather feel the pain, know and then deal with the problem naturally than try to hide / ignore it. I've had a gradual change in diet...simply eating more fruits and veggies...replacing icecream, other crap-food etc...though I believe it is healthy to indulge once in a while.
I was joking about the diet pills. I'm a firm believer in "eat less move more" for weight loss and "eat right and lift stuff" for building muscle. People make it more complicated than it should be.
I was joking about the diet pills. I'm a firm believer in "eat less move more" for weight loss and "eat right and lift stuff" for building muscle. People make it more complicated than it should be.

True, although I believe "weight loss" is over rated. Fat loss =/= weight loss.
I work out 4 days a week, at least I'm trying to be consisten. On wednesdays and saturdays I play basketball so the sunday is the only day I bust my balls. I weigh 185 pounds and I'm 5'9 and my bench record is 253 so it is average I suppose. I'm working on it though and by the end of this summer I want to beat the record to 275 pounds.

I've been taking this supplement called Maximize V2, very similar to N.O. Xplode but stronger.

N.O. Xplode did a great job for me. My endurance was far more better when I took 2 scoops before training, I just couldn't get tired. Now I'm taking Xpand from Dymatize, I heard that it is as good as N.O Xplode, but hey, I had to get Xpand since it's much more cheaper than N.O., hope it'll do as much good.
I workout a lot. My typical routine includes tons of pullups, pushups, weight lifting etc. I mix it up pretty well. If you are looking to build muscle, I start with body weight exercises (pullups, pushups,etc). That's how I got strong.
I was joking about the diet pills. I'm a firm believer in "eat less move more" for weight loss and "eat right and lift stuff" for building muscle. People make it more complicated than it should be.

Sensible and true. I think too many people these days look for the quick fix or quick method results. Wether its surgery for weight loss / supplements etc. A natural proper diet with an actual commitment over a period of time can do wonders.
Mathiäs;9151486 said:
I workout a lot. My typical routine includes tons of pullups, pushups, weight lifting etc. I mix it up pretty well. If you are looking to build muscle, I start with body weight exercises (pullups, pushups,etc). That's how I got strong.

good post. body weight exercises are some of the best. historically, bench press has been considered the 'mother' of all exercises. i dont know why, really. im more inclined to say the pullup is pretty much the best demonstration of strength, and am more impressed when i hear someone can do a massive amount of pull ups than how much they can bench.
Pullups are definitely a great indicator of strength, and they never seem to get any fucking easier >_<

Bench is way overrated, although I'd consider squats and deadlifts a decent indicator of strength.

The problem with basic bodyweight exercises for size gain is that it's hard for the average joe to perform difficult enough exercises to promote growth. Most fit strong people can do more than 15 pushups, which is already getting past the rep range for hypertrophy. Variations are valid and useful, but are never going to have as great a range of motion as say dumbell flys or full ROM dumbell press. + it's harder to tailor the resistance to fit closely to a progression curve - you just end up being able to bust a load more reps then finally move onto the next variation and start again from a max of 5 reps or whatever, which isn't as efficient as picking the weight to force failure at ~10 reps ever session for a long period of training.
Sensible and true. I think too many people these days look for the quick fix or quick method results. Wether its surgery for weight loss / supplements etc. A natural proper diet with an actual commitment over a period of time can do wonders.

It's mind-blowing to me how many people actually PAY to diet, when it's all about calorie-in calorie-out if you are just looking for lower numbers on a scale. I suppose if you have severe self control issues/no motivation then a support group like Weight Watchers is your best option, but that's about where I draw the "reasonable" line. My good friend here shelled out &#65509;300,000 yen ($3000 US) for some Chinese acupuncture diet. She lost the extra weight (about 20 lbs) and looks great now, but then I look at my mom who dropped 30 lbs simply by eating small lunches and taking a 1 hour walk around the neighborhood 6 days a week...