How is everyone's training going?

good post. body weight exercises are some of the best. historically, bench press has been considered the 'mother' of all exercises. i dont know why, really. im more inclined to say the pullup is pretty much the best demonstration of strength, and am more impressed when i hear someone can do a massive amount of pull ups than how much they can bench.

Pullups use a wider variety of muscles, but overall smaller muscle groups. It's really apples and oranges to benchpressing. Benchpress to weight ratio is the key. Someone who weighs 135 who can do a lot of pullups isn't that impressive.
My training/diet is going well. I started at 241 and now down to 215 about a month and half in. I want to be around 185 lbs.
:lol: are you serious. I work out alone and i'm not going to have some random person take pics. I could give a shit if you don't believe me, i've been lifting for over 11 years now.
Probably not at 5% anymore but definitely not above 10%. I am 5'8 btw.

OK, I feel a little better now about my personal weight. Ratio is still insane though. I plan on getting there. For the last 3 years I have had to take long breaks from lifting due to injury/Marine Corps/ other shit going on. I am hoping I can lift straight for the next 2 years and break 300 benching.

One thing that hurt me in the Marines was the weight limit by height. I was at the weight ceiling almost my entire enlistment, and I started just having to do more and more reps instead of increasing weight for mass.

They had me at 5'5 and the USMC weight limit for 5'5 is 165. They did the fucking tape method for measuring body fat, and I always came out way higher by tape (neck to waist ratio) vs pinch method on body fat, so I had to just stick to maintaining weight.

It was pretty dumb, I ran PFT circles around skinny guys but I had to "watch my weight".
My training/diet is going well. I started at 241 and now down to 215 about a month and half in. I want to be around 185 lbs.

Awesome! Wasn't it you who said you subsisted on a diet of junk food but were switching immediately to light and healthy? That's great progress.

As of this morning I weigh the least I have weighed since 2007, which is not great but better than before.

I am a squishy mess with no access to a gym. My legs and butt are fairly muscular but the rest of me is like jello. Any recommendations of things to uh firm up?
Pilates and pushups/pullups/dips will do probably all you need, and all you need is a doorway pullup bar and a chair and some carpet on the floor/ a mat.
Awesome! Wasn't it you who said you subsisted on a diet of junk food but were switching immediately to light and healthy? That's great progress.

As of this morning I weigh the least I have weighed since 2007, which is not great but better than before.

I am a squishy mess with no access to a gym. My legs and butt are fairly muscular but the rest of me is like jello. Any recommendations of things to uh firm up?

Yes and thanks.:cool: I'm mostly focused on losing weight so I'm only taking in 1200-1500 calories a day.

You seem pretty trim from the pics you have posted.
pullup bar probably won't happen tbh, guess I'll go to the video store and try to find some exercise davids or something. I found Billy Blanks Tae Bo in my house when I moved in but I feel like an idiot doing those stupid dance moves at home.

@Caecius I have mastered the art of CAMERA ANGLES. I'm not a hambeast, but I could stand to lose about 20 lbs. I'm aiming for 1100-1400 calories a day myself, with about an hour of walking. Hard to stay motivated when it's so fucking hot and humid out.
The bad thing about focusing on losing weight by drastic calorie cutting is you will appear to lose weight fast to start with because your body eats through your muscle (which weighs more) to make up calorie deficits first, and then will actually eat through the fat more slowly/convert any spare calories to fat because it perceives the situation is that you are in "starvation" mode.

Then, once you are satisfied with the weight loss and try to up your calories again, you will gain weight faster because your fat burning tissue (muscle) is now less than before.

High intensity workouts + slightly increased quality calorie intake will cut the fat faster than just calorie cutting, and make you look better.
My current plan: (not sure if it is good for me, I didn't research much)

Daily Exercise (rest on Sunday, Wednesday)
1 hour cardio
1/2 hour of weight lifting/free weights

I have cut out soda, things with high sugar, sodium, sat. fat, and actually started drinking at least 8 cups of water. Any suggestions?
Not sure if you were addressing me or Caecius Dakryn, but I don't plan on markedly upping my calories - this isn't a "diet" so to speak so much as a lifestyle change. I'm small, female and sedentary, so I don't have to eat much.

@Grant you fucking asshole, you know how hard/horribly risky it is to acquire pot here.

@Caecius I'm no nutritionist but that sounds infinitely better than eating junk food. Don't hurt yourself lifting every day.
Not sure if you were addressing me or Caecius Dakryn, but I don't plan on markedly upping my calories - this isn't a "diet" so to speak so much as a lifestyle change. I'm small, female and sedentary, so I don't have to eat much.

Kind of addressing both.

Pilates for "core" workout (abs/back/etc)
Dips on a sturdy chair for shoulders/triceps
Pushups for shoulders/chest/triceps/biceps
Pullups for biceps/shoulders back

You can get doorway pullup bars that just brace on the frame/wall instead of needing to be screwed in. They run like 20-30$ in the US.
My house has no doorways, just paper sliding doors. I'm not kidding. I also can't even do one pullup (told you I was squishy) aarrarghgharagh.

I wonder what the exercise benefits of arm wrestling are...
Not sure if you were addressing me or Caecius Dakryn, but I don't plan on markedly upping my calories - this isn't a "diet" so to speak so much as a lifestyle change. I'm small, female and sedentary, so I don't have to eat much.

@Grant you fucking asshole, you know how hard/horribly risky it is to acquire pot here.

@Caecius I'm no nutritionist but that sounds infinitely better than eating junk food. Don't hurt yourself lifting every day.

I rest on Sunday's and Wednesday's. It's nothing extreme, I just don't want to lose muscle.
My house has no doorways, just paper sliding doors. I'm not kidding. I also can't even do one pullup (told you I was squishy) aarrarghgharagh.

I wonder what the exercise benefits of arm wrestling are...

You can meet dudes who can eat cigars and not puke, I am sure they can give you some marathon "workout sessions" harharhar.