How is everyone's training going?

Belligerent, sub 10% bodyfat at 192lbs is pretty fucking awesome shape, especially at 5'8! No wonder you've got a beastly bench press.

Good job on staying dedicated for 11 years, that's a great run.
im running the best ive ever ran I think, but im getting screwed over by the Army by this slow pace bullshit thats killing my beautiful calves, oh well
Eating cigars? Fuck that's disgusting!

What do you guys pay for your gym memberships? I just discovered that access to the fitness centre is not complimentary at all, and that even with a student ID it costs $100 for just the summer (although during the year it's really cheap, like $50 for the whole year). I'm not sure I want to pay that; it seems a little bit like getting fucked in the ass by an angry hippo.
It's mind-blowing to me how many people actually PAY to diet, when it's all about calorie-in calorie-out if you are just looking for lower numbers on a scale. I suppose if you have severe self control issues/no motivation then a support group like Weight Watchers is your best option, but that's about where I draw the "reasonable" line. My good friend here shelled out ¥300,000 yen ($3000 US) for some Chinese acupuncture diet. She lost the extra weight (about 20 lbs) and looks great now, but then I look at my mom who dropped 30 lbs simply by eating small lunches and taking a 1 hour walk around the neighborhood 6 days a week...

Well, my wife has a mutual friend from work who was not really that overweight...but one who was looking for the quick fix and wanted to have stomach surgery to lose etc. The problem was she was not heavy / overweight enough to qualify for the surgery. So the girl amazingly decided to pig-out, purposely gained much weight and ended up having the surgery. It was a horror show, ended up having the procedure reversed and now she is all messed up health-wise.
I recently just started working out, though nothing serious. Haven't done jack all through college the past several years so it's definitely pretty rough starting off. 6'2 160 lbs, and I've developed a something of a gut, if you can call it for my body type (I blame beer + World of Warcraft)

Any recommendations for my scrawny ass? We've got a gold's gym pulley system down in the basement with a decent array of modes to it. Also, what type of situps/crunches would you recommend to zap this gut of mine? Knees up or down? Legs on the couch/bed? Straight ahead or side to side? Mix it up?
I want to join a gym again because I'm not as fit as I used to be (mind you I used to do thai kick boxing and be a firefighter), wouldn't mind toning up but I'm strapped for cash at the moment and I'm not too sure what sort of exercises I can do with barbells and a skipping rope (they're the only equipment I have at home). Suggestions anyone?
I had to drop $80 on a month-long membership here, and that was pretty much the lowest price available. Good gym, and it's better than paying $10.50 every time for drop in, but still a lot of money.

Had a great legs/abs workout yesterday. Feeling it today, but damn it was good. Just got back into the habit (I'm also a 6'2 160 lb college student, actually) and it's doing me good.

Lets see some pics, or I'm calling BULLSHIT on you being 190 and benching over 300lbs.

My friend I work out with is ~170ish and benches 285, and he's a good couple inches shorter than me, don't be an idiot.
I recently just started working out, though nothing serious. Haven't done jack all through college the past several years so it's definitely pretty rough starting off. 6'2 160 lbs, and I've developed a something of a gut, if you can call it for my body type (I blame beer + World of Warcraft)

Any recommendations for my scrawny ass? We've got a gold's gym pulley system down in the basement with a decent array of modes to it. Also, what type of situps/crunches would you recommend to zap this gut of mine? Knees up or down? Legs on the couch/bed? Straight ahead or side to side? Mix it up?

If it's an accumulation of fat, ab workouts alone won't cut it, you will have to do cardio.
Well, my wife has a mutual friend from work who was not really that overweight...but one who was looking for the quick fix and wanted to have stomach surgery to lose etc. The problem was she was not heavy / overweight enough to qualify for the surgery. So the girl amazingly decided to pig-out, purposely gained much weight and ended up having the surgery. It was a horror show, ended up having the procedure reversed and now she is all messed up health-wise.

That is the dumbest thing anyone can ever do and I hope she is sorry and doesn't have severe permanent damage.

I can't believe anyone would actually WANT to have gastric bypass or whatever. I want to know that while uncomfortable and not smart, I could eat a metric fuckton of rice without my body rejecting it because my stomach is less than half its natural size.
so i went back to straight lifting and am only doing a circuit once a week. im getting bigger, fast. good to shock the body every so often. i miss the circuits though. at the end of the day, even if i gain strength lifting, i just dont feel like i get nearly the same quality workout as when i do a circuit. i want to leave the gym soaked in sweat. i dont sweat when i lift.
I am going to do that couch to 5k thing whenever it stops raining. In the meantime I have been doing tae bo for an hour and a bunch of body weight shit and trying to teach myself to dance "properly" to drum & bass. I am spastic and have 4 left feet, but at least it involves a lot of moving and jumping around --> better than sitting around.

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I am going to do that couch to 5k thing whenever it stops raining. In the meantime I have been doing tae bo for an hour and a bunch of body weight shit and trying to teach myself to dance "properly" to drum & bass. I am spastic and have 4 left feet, but at least it involves a lot of moving and jumping around --> better than sitting around.

There is a way to dance to DnB? Fuck no I hope! That's the only music I would ever dance to because all it involves is convulsing like an idiot to the fast beats.