How is everyone's training going?

I hate exerting effort D: I like walking though, and doing random stretches when I'm planted in front of the comp.
Going into my 4th week with the P90X routine, I've heard that most people start getting inconsistent with the training at this mark but I'm going to try to get past it. 4th week means, plyometrics, core work and more yoga which I'm not so used to.

My girlfriend has said that results are starting to show slightly, but she might just be trying to be nice. But I do feel alot fitter, I've decreased my smoking alot and I can lift alot heavier than when I started the routine.
If you've been at it for 4 weeks you're definitely gonna be showing results!

I have no desire to smoke anymore. Pretty cool. Breathing is easier. Stuck in a rut weightwise though, behaving well all week and topping it off with eating and drinking socially on the weekends...
Just went for the first run in a long time. Had to walk half of it. My legs feel like jelly. Also had a look at the gym around the corner. It's $4.95 a visit for non-members, I'm planning on going a couple of times a week. I'm so unfit it's not funny. I've been passing out with friends over as soon as I get a certain amount of alcohol in me. Not a good look.

Is getting fit so I can party harder the wrong motivation?
as far as I can see there are only 2 reasons people get fit

1.) aesthetics/looking good
2.) being able to eat/drink/consume more without getting fat
I have had to take a break from running. I started off running too far and got what I am guessing is a stress fracture based off the symptoms. Quite annoying.
I have had to take a break from running. I started off running too far and got what I am guessing is a stress fracture based off the symptoms. Quite annoying.

Stay off that concrete, man!

Treadmill/incline. Great for your heart and burns calories like nobodies beez wax
as far as I can see there are only 2 reasons people get fit

1.) aesthetics/looking good
2.) being able to eat/drink/consume more without getting fat

3.) Cardiovascular Health and Stamina

- Cholesterol
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Hypertension/Diabetes
- Vascular Disease
- Peripheral Arterial Disease
The only thing I do, aside from yard work and various house repairs, is mountain bike riding (on trails). I really only ride like once a week. Been doing it for over a year, and I have definitely increased my strength and stamina. Two weeks ago I went on a ride of sufficient length that brought me near the limit of my ability, muscle-wise. I actually got cramps near the end. Did not ride last week. Yesterday I took a little ride of about 12-15 miles, that was mostly street, just to remind my muscles about riding. I am planning a nice longish ride tomorrow (Labor Day) on some local trails that should be a butt-kicker. I love riding. Wish I could do it multiple times a week, but that's just not realistic.
So far since the beginning of June I've lost 15ish lbs.
Less food, no snacks after dinner, watching my calorie intake.
Also been riding bikes. Rode some trails for 50 minutes or so yesterday. Good workout.
Went from 240 to 225.
Clothes are getting big
3.) Cardiovascular Health and Stamina

- Cholesterol
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Hypertension/Diabetes
- Vascular Disease
- Peripheral Arterial Disease

Please. This is like .0005% of the population that exercises.

I do admit that I quit smoking for more health than aesthetic reasons.

rock on Krig. I wish I could say the same. I'm going to have to either tack on more exercise or just eat less if I want any results, been stuck at the same weight for almost a month now. Not really good to eat much less than I do now (~1400 kcal/day, though I shoot for 1000 because everyone grossly underestimates their calorie intake).
it's plenty for me, i'm female and short and trying to lose weight and i don't exercise thaaaat much - 8 hrs a day at an office!