How is everyone's training going?

only like 3 of those are jogging/running. the rest are exercise videos and rolling around on the floor which have debatable value.

i do walk about 2 miles each way to work up a big hill which i suppose is ok too
YOSHHHHHHHHHH running milestone. Ran about 3-4 miles without stopping or getting tired. Slowly, took me 40-45 minutes. But considering a few months ago I thought running for 90 seconds was the hardest thing ever, I'm really pleased!
working on doing more pull ups as the army is changing and im currently a skinny weak bitch for pull ups. Also dropping almost 2minutes on my time and running the fastest in my life and it gives me a woody
I'd like to increase the amount of pullups I can do as well. I can do about 8 or 9 fresh, which at a bodyweight of 195 isnt that bad, but I'd rather be around 20 or so.

I definitely recommend checking out I made it about halfway through before getting preoccupied and stopping, but it got me up to 11 starting from 4. I plan to pick up where I left off very soon.
How many pullups do you have to be able to do in the army?

none are required, but airborne school requires 5 which isn't anything extravagant, but the new PT program includes pull ups, and about 5 separate exercises back to back which just not conditioned for. So gottttta man up!
I am about a month and a half in on the StrongLifts 5x5 ( program, which is a barbell strength training program.

You start with an empty bar on barbell exercises and add 5 lbs. each time you do the exercise. Right now my squat is 125lbs, as is my bench. My deadlift is 145lbs. Nothing great yet (I weigh ~180 lbs), but the results even at this stage are great.

It also has pull-ups (I do about 15-17) and pushups (I do around 60) as part of the routine.
I like it, but I found that dropping the volume from 5x5 to 3x5 at a certain point (squat was around 230 or 240) was helpful. Didnt finish it though. I got sick when my work sets on squat hit 290, and didnt get to lift much during the summer. I finished the novice progression this semester though.

I was happy with my strength gains, but my aesthetic results would have been much better had my diet not been so shitty though. Haha. Follow Medhi's diet advice, and that shouldnt be a problem.
wow that army thing is a lot more difficult than i imagined and not a really good test of someones fitness. being able to do 80 situps really does not serve much purpose and isn't a good judge of core strength and being able to do 80 pushups doesn't mean much either; there's far too much of an emphasis on chest strength when a lot of the stuff they'd need would be about carrying gear and stuff like that so they'd need more core, leg and back strength (the running test is good though, they should add in a long distance one).
I've been running for just over two months now, at first every second day, but I've just increased it to 5 days a week. It's weird, sometimes I feel like I'm getting fitter and a lot of the time I feel like I'm going backwards. I managed to run my whole circuit without having to stop and walk at all once last week, but that's the only time I've done it so far.

Apparently it's going to be a long road to abs.
I can't think of anything I feel less like doing than exercising but I am going to do it. Going for 7 days of cardio this week!

Running is fickle like that Satanstoenail. Some days I want to die after 20 minutes and others going for an hour seems effortless.
Officially lost 30 lbs since joining UM. Ran about 5.5 miles last night. I have little muscles in my shoulders and upper arms now, hunnggghhh