How is everyone's training going?

We should use this thread to help keep our collective asses in gear.

I pretty much hit my ideal fitness level last month, but the lack of time due to school being fully in session coupled with the fact that I'm still working nearly full-time is making maintaining it a FUCKING BITCH. During the summer I was riding my bike 30 miles a day and doing sprint intervals 5 nights a week in addition to loads of body weight stuff from the bedroom, but now I can only seem to do a fraction of that. My diet has also definitely downgraded a tad bit from the "immaculate" status I was maintaining during summer.

Anyway, I hover around 145 lbs right now with a fair deal of muscle, so I don't have anything to lose; it's just a matter of fine tuning some things. Cosmetically, I've got a visible "six pack" and all that jazz, but that isn't nearly an indication of overall fitness, which is the only thing I actually care about.
I'm in pretty bad shape these days. Really unmotivated and I started smoking on and off again and I've gained like 10 lbs since Christmas. Fuck!
Got back to the gym for the first time in over 2 weeks (was sick and then monumentally busy), and I was pleasantly surprised that I just picked up where I left off. Didn't lose any strength or stamina.

And I will bump this thread every time I have something to say on this topic, for the good of you all.
I am getting pretty grossed out with myself. October was good for eating healthier, I dropped about 5 lbs and look a little better. November I'm going to focus on two things: (1) not smoking and (2) running.
Started working out again. I want to get down to 9 or 10% body fat and as fit as I used to be... I'm at 18% now and I'm going to actually quit smoking. Going to do weights 3 times a week, yoga and go for runs the other days.
I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jutsu 6 months ago. I absolutely love it and I have noticed that I make progress and get better and better (for the moment primarilly at defending submissions, guard passes etc). I do it twice a week - Mondays and Tuesdays. I could go on Thursdays as well but I dont have the energy atm.

Since I started doing BJJ my running has been put to the side more and more. I used to be really active (3 times a week - sometimes 4). Now its more like once a week and since its November and getting colder and colder its harder to motivate myself getting out there. I am obviously not as good as I used to be either.

My training lets my mind off things (otherwise its contantly active with thoughts, scenarios etc). Training is to me what I think meditation is to the layman who just wants to peace of mind every now and then.
One of my NYR's was to get back on the exercise grind. Of course, one week into it, the entire family came down with colds. Now that that's over with, I'm attempting again.

I have an exercise bike, and my own weight bench/set, so no excuses. I'm currently biking 6-6.5 miles in 20 minutes, 5 days a week, and trying to ease my muscles back into the idea of lifting.
I've gained like 5-7 lbs back.
Not worried at all. Once it gets warm out I'll destroy those lbs
I want to get rid of this gut. The rest of my body looks pretty good, but the gut annoys me.
by the end of the summer I want to be around 170.
We'll see what happens.
So far this winter I've eaten a little more than I'd like and havent exercised at all.
Two years ago I was about 198. This morning I weighed in at 166. It took a lot of running and a change to a healthier diet, but it has been worth all the hard work and sacrifice. I look a lot better and feel a lot better than I did two years ago.
Hitting the gym 6 days a week, P90X2 ab ripper is sweet and pretty much the best shape of my life.

Going to do a Spartan Race (sort of Tough Mudder) in May, it's coming on base so it should be fun.
I'm doing this routine 3 days a week (minus the calf raises cause those are gay):

I followed it thru most of september-december last year, without very impressive results, but i tended to do it more like 2x/week and wasn't eating the best of foods. Trying to do it right this time around.

I'm a little worried that my muscles may be getting used to the routine and not building as much mass as they could if i switched things up, but that's only an unsubstantiated hunch.
Also, wondering if anyone has a good answer for this since the above plan is unclear on it:

Does 2x12 reps sound like a good threshold for "i am good enough at my current weight and ready to bump it up a notch", or is 1x12 reps more reasonable? The idea is that when you move up a weight you can't do as many reps at first but when you reach a certain target of reps x sets you're ready to move on.

I've been assuming i need to do a full 2x12 with one weight in order to increase to the next, since the plan calls for doing 4 sets where the last 2 are at your max weight.
I've been reading up on the , really liking the approach to strength increases.

So far I am two weeks in to my "6x6" cardio routine. 6 miles biking 6 days a week. Definitely feeling better all around.