How is everyone's training going?

If you want to gain mass all right here's what i'd recommend;

I wouldn't do any cardio, eat lots of protein/carbs whatever..I stay away from fats and sugars/simple carbs but it's your body you know it better than me..if you can handle it, eat everything you can then.

I wouldnt buy creatine because from what ive seen it's just bullshit. If you don't drink enough water or stop taking it, you will lose tons of mass instantly. I get the expensive protein from GNC AMP but if you cant afford it dont worry about it, or want cheaper get something like Gold Standard. There's different types of Protein but Whey is the simplest. If you are really serious about body building then you'll take more shit and waste all your pennies. Personal opinion of mine is that I dont use any kind of NO XPLODE or any heart pumping shit because I don't want to die. Also I stay away from those vitamin packs because I don't want my piss to be green.

I usually work out 6 days a week and only have 1 day of rest..but sometimes it's really cold outside and/or im lazy..but at least 5 days a week, and very rarely 2 days off in a row.

Right now I got two routines and trying to figure out what to do for a third. Day 1, I do P90X2 Ab Ripper for abs, the original or new one is about 15 minutes and I do it every day. All I do for my abs, and it does me good.

Then I hit my chest hard. Flat bench, flat dumbell bench, some machine chest press stuff (with plates not that little metal rod thing thats for women) and then I do chest flies on cables. 4 sets each, 10 reps. If I want to beat myself up I try and do 8 6 6 and whatever on the final rep. If i'm feeling up to it, in between sets I do hammer curls / push ups / pull ups

Day 2, do my p90x2 ab ripper and then I try and hit shoulder/chest/arms..I do decline bench, incline bench, regular dumbell curls, bar curls (not olympic or whatever, feels awkard), 21's on a cable ( but on the cable machine with a straight bar...and then also if im feeling up to it, push ups / pulls

and my new routine, thinking of doing more shoulders/tris/back..but my left shoulder sucks so I usually don't hit shoulders at all or very hard. The gym here isn't as good for back as it only has like two things, and no kind of TBAR/Barbell Rows but pull ups is all right in my opinion. Triceps I usually do both days, I don't really know how to explain what I do, but I go to the cable machine just grab the 'rope' with no attachment, stand straight up, and extend my arm 10 each side. Then I grab the handle(like for chest flies) and go down 10 on each arm. But I do 10 like how your arm normally rests and then I flip it so I try and get the best outta that. Could also do tricep pulldowns or the dumbell thing behind your head.

Might be rambling here, if it sounds all retarded let me know i'll try and fix it

Well based on what you and others have been telling me, i don't like the look of this at all... frankly the only reason i decided to start lifting weights is to become more attractive, and i already feel like my current gym routine is a big sacrifice of time/money. So to spend even more time there, and also more money to stuff my body full of nutrients, just doesn't hold up to my cost/benefit analysis at all.

I'm really pretty close to just forgetting the gym altogether and sticking to cardio/situps at home.
zabu of nΩd;10182856 said:
Well based on what you and others have been telling me, i don't like the look of this at all... frankly the only reason i decided to start lifting weights is to become more attractive, and i already feel like my current gym routine is a big sacrifice of time/money. So to spend even more time there, and also more money to stuff my body full of nutrients, just doesn't hold up to my cost/benefit analysis at all.

I'm really pretty close to just forgetting the gym altogether and sticking to cardio/situps at home.

Just take into account that you don't need to workout for more than 3 days a week but you should have a good workout plan. Just buy the protein shake and eat huge amount of protein everyday.
This will work out for you if you can't afford to pay that much. But it will take a little bit more time to build your muscles.
Seriously dude just do pushups and walk/run. Get a pullup bar or something. Fuck gyms!

I'm the lowest adult weight I've been in the United States since, uh, ever. Awesome!
I am really stoked to see a thread for this. Health and fitness is something that I have recently got into. I think about 2 or 3 months ago I really decided it was time to stop being a fat ass and to start working out and getting healthy. I have lost about 30 pounds now, which I think a lot of that was water weight, because it was not until i got to about -24 pounds that I noticed a change in my clothes. I really do not have a goal weight per say, just a goal size and "look". If that makes sense, anyways I have cut out all fast foods, Mostly I eat a veggie diet, but I do have some meat from time to time.
As far as working out I have a trainer, I see every 1-2 weeks. Just a lot of cardio, weight training and some bikram yoga.
I do a full weight routine each week, hitting chest 2 or 3 times, shoulders twice, back twice, triceps twice, biceps twice, and legs here and there between them all. I also do cardio about 4 or 5 times a week.

I just got a package I ordered with Animal Pak vitamins and Nitric Oxide. That along with Creatine, and a much improved diet should all end up turning quite satisfactory.
Be careful with the creatine. When I was taking it, I only took enough to prevent soreness and promote muscle recovery, not to pump. All that water weight isn't really the kind of gain you want for dense strength-weight ratio.
129.5 lbs today, so awesome. Weather is getting springish and the days are getting longer - time to start running outside again. Maybe I will tonight.
129.5 lbs today, so awesome. Weather is getting springish and the days are getting longer - time to start running outside again. Maybe I will tonight.

That is awesome! I started that 100s workout you posted and it is a hell of a workout.


I have really stepped up my diet and workout routine lately.
I am only eating 1,300 calories MAX perday, and burning off 300 MINIMUM at the gym.
The stair master hates me... but I am losing weight, thats cool.
I don't count calories. I just try to stick to protein sources of food as much as possible. Still knocking out about 6.5 miles a day 6 days a week, and doing a little lifting 3 days a week.