How is everyone's training going?

Didn't you just say you were looking to ease back into exercising Overwatch? Sounds like you never stopped.

If you have been in shape before, only takes a couple weeks to "awaken" everything. I'm not doing anywhere near the lifting I was doing in the Marines though, timewise anyway.

Doing two-a-days now and regular Army stuff in the morning getting get workouts..just signed up for the Spartan Race here in Colorado in early May, should be fun to see how well I do.
It's always a good idea to include lifting and cardio together.

I was working out yesterday and realized in 2 months I've tripled in strength. Awesome.

I actually am anticipating integrating some fast twitch muscle working cardio in another month or so anyway, but will be interested to see if it's "necessary".

@RMS: Have you done a Spartan race before?
I actually am anticipating integrating some fast twitch muscle working cardio in another month or so anyway, but will be interested to see if it's "necessary".

Fast twitch cardio causes your body to create more HGH which is a hormone that helps with fat loss (if that's your goal).
Decided to start shedding more fat as I was just getting bigger in size but not toning up. My cardio wasn't very good either. I'm now 5 days into the Insanity Workout and shit is hard. After I finish the course, I plan to do weeks alternating between P90X and Insanity. Starting to eat a lot better but I need to start cutting down alcohol intake though...
Eating only slightly better, lifting 2-3 times a week (nothing major, heaviest I do is 60 lb lat pulldown machine) for a couple weeks --> dropped a couple pounds and a pants size O___o
Still lifting, despite life's best attempts to derail it. Added 30lbs to my workout since starting. Still not back where I was a few years ago though, but it's progress.
I feel ya. If I could just get back to 75lb dumbbell presses, 225 bench, and around 315 dead lifts I'd be happy. Maybe 300+ squats would be cool.

Yeah my initial goal is 225 bench/row/squat on a 5x5 series, then start increasing reps and adding in some iso work outs here and there. I'm at 190 b/r/s now.
190 is pretty good. I am slowly making gains. I was using HammerStrength machines instead of free weight. Didn't realize the huge difference between the two. I am only at about 160 on free weight benches. Ugh.
Did 5000 M in 17:28 today, that's over 30 seconds faster than when I started to time myself with this stuff in January. I don't think I can cut away much more without using preparates though.
5k in 17:30 is sick. Best I ever did 5k in was 20 (19:57).

Ran maybe a mile or so today. Man I am out of shape cardio wise. Need to get back into it.
By the way, to anyone taking any sort of health/strength supplements:

If you care at all about avoiding artificial sweetners, start checking labels. Sucralose (Splenda) is starting to pop up in everything from energy drinks to creatine/protein powders, etc. I actually haven't found an energy drink without it.