How is everyone's training going?

My gym is a section of the 2nd story of an old barn lol The equipment I have is what I can afford. Free weights are cheaper and much more effective.
Be mindful of the protein intake though guys. Smashing into fuckloads of protein != more muscle. Your body will only absorb so much and you'll simply excrete the rest. It actually is a waste: you'll be literally shitting out what you spent, so it's wasted resources.

Also of note, too much protein / protein shakes / protein bars can actually be harmful to your body's ability to break down your foods. There's plenty of info on various body building sites & forums about this.

Lessen the protein smashing, up the iron (palm sized steak twice a week) and vegetables instead. Cut down on the milks. Smaller meals plus more meals = faster metabolism.

Simplify your foods, less processed foods, more natural & raw form foods if possible.

Heavier foods earlier in the day, lighter foods in the second half of the day.
I'm a big proponent of eggs and oils for protein/healthy fats. Shakes should be a supplement and not a primary source of protein, and yes, that thing about .5 per pound of body weight is some garbage the protein supplement industry most likely made up to sell more.
10 mile ride yesterday
4-5? today, after cutting the grass

I eat a Clif Builders bar for breakfast. Dont take shakes or anything.
All I care about is burning calories and eating halfway healthy
Protein intake is fine, just don't be taking triple scoops every hour, I do 40g twice a day and it's helped me gain 15 pounds in less than a year.
12.6 mile mountain hike on Saturday. Legs are SOOOOOOOOOORE! Fuck squatting and leg pressing until Wednesday.

Frequent small meals is recent bullshit propagated and sponsored by the diet industry to keep people constantly slightly hungry. It works great for some but not for others. I'm an "other."

Personally I like intermittent fasting-style eating. I don't stick to a specific "window" but I'm not hungry until 1-2 PM and prefer a bigger dinner. As long as I'm not eating garbage, I have plenty of energy for work, exercise, and life.
Jogged and kayaked this morning. Good routine of upper and lower body workouts. Plus there's nature, which is pretty.
All I know is that I flipped when I tried it. After that I managed to stay up, but it constantly felt like I had to struggle. Perhaps the width differs, mine looked kind of like this:

Yeah there is a variance in width. In general the "river" kayaks are a lot fatter in the middle, and "sea" kayaks are the skinny, easily flipped vareity.
I'd like to get "into" river kayaking. I am fearful that falling into the river near me (The Hudson, almost as polluted as the Yangtze) would turn me into a mutant.
Just by counting calories and exercising more frequently, I am currently fifteen pounds lighter and still losing. I still get winded going up stairs, but not as much as 15 pounds ago!
I went for a ~4 mile run on the bike path yesterday. It was really humid and my lungs were screaming (I really should quit smoking, this is stupid) but my legs were just fine and barely felt challenged. I chalk it up to Saturday's epic hike. Today I am planning to run 2-3 miles and then go lift heavy things until I can't any more. Oh and I'm the lightest and fittest I've been since February 2011, no big deal.
Right on guys. I'm driving across the country for basically the next week but then I can settle into a serious total fitness routine. My cardio is in serious need of work. Strength is coming along nicely though. Im the strongest I've been in two years and have barely touched supps and only lifting like 30 minutes 3 days a week. Really pleased with StrongLifts approach, at least so far.