How is everyone's training going?

Thinking about converting to pre-work morning gym sessions. Lifted before work this morning and it sucked - but could be a combo of any/all of the following: semi-fasted state, ate junk food and not enough protein over the weekend, Aunt Flow is here. I suppose I'll just beat my body into submission and get it used to mornings.
Thinking about converting to pre-work morning gym sessions. Lifted before work this morning and it sucked - but could be a combo of any/all of the following: semi-fasted state, ate junk food and not enough protein over the weekend, Aunt Flow is here. I suppose I'll just beat my body into submission and get it used to mornings.

Can't speak for bleeding from my crotch, but I can say that proper nutrition plays a big part in how the workout goes for sure. I went Sunday morning with only coffee and a banana in me and, even though I got my best deadlift ever, it felt terrible.

Today I was doing dumb bell bench presses and used 60 lb dumb bells. That's what my highest has been so far. But I sailed through ten reps and realized I may be selling myself short. I think I may be a little stronger than I think. Mentality is a big part of lifting...
It's a fine balance that I am unsure of. I guess I'm trying to conscientiously lose body fat and gain strength/build muscle at the same time while battling my own laziness (it's much easier for me to eat less than to spend hours exercising).

What's the accepted "rule?" I have been following "if you can't do 8 reps with proper form it's too heavy" and "if you can do more than 12 it's too light"
I personally warm up with a weight I can fairly easily do 15-20 reps of, then do a set that I can do 12 or so reps of, then something I can do ten of, then something I can do 5-10 of. I rarely do my max cuz that's not a big deal to me as of now.
Replaced my beat-to-hell running shoes with a Vibram five toes model. This is not going to be an easy transition. My feet, ankles, and calves are screaming.
I can't run in my vibrams, I slap the ground like a champ. I got the minimalist trail shoes from NB and they are pretty nice..Vibram soles though
Did a chest workout today. Tried something a little different. Super-setting dumbbell flies with dumbbell presses. Using just 40 lb dumbbells was still pretty rough. Gonna keep doing that regularly from now on for sure. I'm already sore as fuck.
I tried supersetting yesterday too, but it was bent-over dumbbell rows with 25-lb dumbbells. Not so impressive. Felt AWESOME and I graduated to 80 lbs on the lat pulldown machine after 2 1/2 weeks at 70.

Overwatch, not a Baltimore beach, but it's getting to that time of year when one can go swimming.
It doesn't matter what weight you're at now, it's the improvements you make. I started working out again in January for the first time in 4 or 5 years and could only do (for an example) 50 lbs on the HammerStrength machine Incline Press. A 25 pound weight on both sides was the most I could do for 10 reps 4 times. I can now do a smooth 10 reps on it with 160 lbs. It isn't a lot of weight really, but that's over 300% increase in strength in 4 months. Feels good.

Besides that, the fact you're doing something to improve yourself is worth a lot. Keep it up. Before you know it those rows will become 40 lbs, 50 lbs, 75 lbs, and you'll be all hella buff and shit.

Which brings me to my latest thought in my weight lifting. I really feel good about myself knowing that, although slow, I am making a positive change in my appearance and an especially positive change in my attitude with myself. After all the meth and heroin and stupid shit I did, it feels good being healthy.
Yes, the most understated benefit of exercise is what it does for mental health. I would always recommend at least some basic cardio for someone who does not already exercise and is suffering from forms of depression/anxiety/etc.
Word. I am not clinically depressed but I do have periodic episodes - when it happens, going for a jog or whatever makes me feel normal for a few hours before the bleakness sets in again.

divine_torture, 300% strength increase is awesome. Sounds like exercise and lifting is exactly what you need after all the drugs and whatnot. I'm impressed that I can stick with something this long. I am the leanest and most fit I've ever been in my adult life and it's been almost effortless, just a few hours on the bike path and in the gym each week and I can eat whatever I want (within reason). So much better than trying to starve off pounds!
See, the being trim and such is my issue. I work 10 hour days so after that and lifting I have so little energy that cardio doesn't even cross my mind. It's nice that my arms, back, chest, shoulders and such are getting bigger and firmer, but the gut is there and my man boobies aren't gone either. I'm not fat as fuck or anything, but I have to accept that I will have the gut as long as I avoid cardio, don't eat healthier (I eat much healthier than I did), and especially as long as I enjoy my god damned King Cobra every night.

Today was a very minimalistic bicep workout. I have not slept well the last two nights so I barely motivated myself to get to the gym at all.
Yeah, I think my love handles are a direct result of beer drinking and no cardio to speak of for 2+ years.

First day yogging again with the five toes. Took me a week to recover from the first attempt. Hopefully recovery will be much more swift this time.