How is everyone's training going?

Yeah, I think my love handles are a direct result of beer drinking and no cardio to speak of for 2+ years.

First day yogging again with the five toes. Took me a week to recover from the first attempt. Hopefully recovery will be much more swift this time.

"Yogging!" So glad that's caught on.

My gun show is looking decent considering they're my first guns, but whenever I see a really buff woman with ripped arms I get jealous.

Cardio is a pain but I guess it's been drilled into me for years, incorrectly, that women should do hours and hours of cardio to get trim. So I suck it up and do it. I would probably be a lot better if I quit smoking, though I'm down to 2-3 cigs a day. Also almost daily reefer but that doesn't really matter, right?
I say do what you want. I did meth and heroin for god's sake (although that really promotes weight loss haha...). I smoke a pack or so a day still. That and drinking is all I do though. I wouldn't mind weed but I take random UA's at work so it isn't worth it. Honestly, the best thing not smoking will do for you is it will increase proper blood fow while doing your cardio which will in turn burn fat, and it will help get more oxygen into your lungs so you can run longer.
Barefoot running update:

Muscles seem to have gotten used to the idea quite quickly. Ligaments/tendons are another story. Have one or the other in the bottom of my right foot that is not quite keen on the idea yet.
I'm really liking the running motion though until that starts flaring up. Makes you feel much lighter and "free".

Benching/rowing 210 atm.
Barefoot running update:

Muscles seem to have gotten used to the idea quite quickly. Ligaments/tendons are another story. Have one or the other in the bottom of my right foot that is not quite keen on the idea yet.
I'm really liking the running motion though until that starts flaring up. Makes you feel much lighter and "free".

Benching/rowing 210 atm.

Fuck the barefoot running thing straight to hell. Benching 210 is not bad, though. I'm at a lower weight still but soon...soon...

Had a full back workout today. Felt amazing, but I'm a little sore. Decided Thursday to start cardio after lifting again to lose these god damned man boobs. And I've sworn off greasy fast food. I swear to lose these muh fuckin moobies.
I feel the same way. I think this barefoot running will be the real ticket.

Does it make you have to exert more energy? I don't fully understand your need for barefoot running...

I'm so god damned sore from my back workout Saturday. Work was quite difficult today. Hitting chest and cardio tomorrow.
Does it make you have to exert more energy? I don't fully understand your need for barefoot running...

Yes, you use the muscles in your legs/ankles/feet to absorb the impact of your feet striking the ground, instead of slamming your heel into the ground and forcing your bones and joints to absorb it.

It's a more natural motion and saves a lot of wear and tear on the knees, besides the increased workout.
Yes, you use the muscles in your legs/ankles/feet to absorb the impact of your feet striking the ground, instead of slamming your heel into the ground and forcing your bones and joints to absorb it.

It's a more natural motion and saves a lot of wear and tear on the knees, besides the increased workout.

Why would you slam your heel into the ground? I've always been a ball-of-the-foot runner.

My new sneakers are like running on a couple of billowy blue marshmallows. Great success! I am slow but getting faster - 2.5 miles in 23 minutes 12 seconds. The first mile was WAY faster than the second, I need to learn to pace myself.
Whenever I jog I always notice that when I breathe deep and slow I can run for a longer period of time. Ya know, the more oxygen the better blah blah...

Also listening to slow music (Chopin, Beethoven etc)psychologically helps with heart rate. Sounds silly but try it! It helps ssssooo much. Plus with the amount of endorphins you're experiencing this type of music is amazing.

p.s If you find yourself starving and craving food/looking to over eat? Play Beethoven's moonlight sonata while staring into a mirror when eating haha

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Why would you slam your heel into the ground? I've always been a ball-of-the-foot runner.

Due to the enhanced cushioning and sole structure of the modern running shoe, most distance runners run heel-toe. I think everyone sprints on the balls/toes of their feet.

My new sneakers are like running on a couple of billowy blue marshmallows. Great success! I am slow but getting faster - 2.5 miles in 23 minutes 12 seconds. The first mile was WAY faster than the second, I need to learn to pace myself.

From all my running in the Marine Corps, I decided that "pacing" was overrated. It pretty much all averages together, unless you start off so fast you cannot actually finish. My first mile was always faster than my second mile, which was always slower than my last mile. (3 mile/5k)

@Jimmy: Controlling your breathing is probably the most important aspect of distance running. I usually would coordinate my inhale/exhale pattern to a certain number of footfalls.
I get a mental block around 2 miles where I have to force myself to keep going despite not having tired muscles. I run on the middle of my foot normally (fat chance you'll see this rhinoceros sprinting anywhere unless it's to Taco Bell) but I have seen a lot of heel strikers.

Coordinating breathing is a bitch - I find I do better when I am not super mindful of it. Just like counting calories makes me want to fail at eating, counting/tracking breaths while running severely inhibits my speed and coordination.