How is everyone's training going?

My parents, who have historically always thought I could stand to lose a few pounds, remarked that I looked "muscular" today. YASSSS

also EGGS. I had these for breakfast. They are poached with dill

Quality "foodie" photo.

Simple, irregular, elegant dish? Check.
Chic beverage? Check.
Nature? Check.
Perched on deck/rock/patio table? Bonus points.
I personally eat poached eggs fairly often. But on english muffins, not toast. However, I agree it is a 'foodie' photo haha.

I have not lifted weights since Thursday due to my work schedule and it is really bugging me. Everytime I miss more than 2 days I feel like I'm starting all over again, especiall since I do only one body part per day, chest twice a week. I mix in a couple leg excersices with the rest. I just hope missing this much doesn't cause me to move in reverse...
*shrug* I can't help that I'm such a fabulous and awesome eater. ;)

Something is afoot in my lower back region. Maybe I will wait a week before squats again.
The fuck? Why would you take that pleasure away from yourself? My mom brought back some of those from the fair and they were delightful little morsels of grease laden, high sodium happiness.
Deserve? A couple tasty corn dogs one time won't cause obesity. It's 12 of them and 6 pepsis 8 times a day that will cause that. Eat a god damned corn dog or I will be forced to sit idly by as you suffer from lack of deliciousness.
Don't eat it unless you REALLY WANT it.

I spent $50 on dinner last night. It was goooooooood. Korean tacos and a perfectly cooked chunk of halibut with funky fruit/veg salsa. And the best key lime tart in the WORLD for dessert.
Halibut is so delicious. I try to eat fish and chicken for most of my meals for the lean protein.

My shoulder workout today was rough. I skipped back last week and did it yesterday. Got my best deadlift (275 lbs), but I am sore as fuck because it's been two weeks and that in turn affected my shoulder workout. I did, however, get my best shoulder press with 50 lb dumbells...
Had to take a couple weeks off getting over some flu-cold-strep hybrid bug thing going around. I blame bio-engineering. Anyway, feeling bleh without my workouts. Ready to hit it again this week.
Feel like a bloated gross sack of shit after a somewhat indulgent weekend in NYC, can't wait to get back to routine today since my back feels all better.
Lifting went well yesterday, no back pain. I was able to do 1 x 10 with perfect form on the lat pulldown @ 80 lbs, which sounds wimpy but is better than I've been able to do. I also probably need to "graduate" to 40 lbs for bent-over row, 30 feels too easy.
The amount of weight you use is not important as long as it's working. I don't feel too strong benching 185 as a max around my buddies at the gym. Some of them are up to 400 lbs now.

I started a new arm routine today. Supersetting 20 reps on biceps with 20 reps on triceps. I read that it hits a deeper tissue as opposed to doing just one or the other like I have been. My arms felt huge and are still jello-y.

I also decided to switch up my post workout protein shake. I've been using GNC's Amplified Recovery Protein, but it only has 25G of protein per serving, and I feel I'm lacking with that small of an amount. I bought their Wheybolic Extreme 60, which has the same kinds of protein (basically) but 60G per serving. We'll see how this works for me.
You definitely read the label wrong, I have the same protein and it's only 20g of protein per scoop, but for 3 scoops(which is what is recommended) it's 60g. Solid protein though. I only ever take 2 scoops 2 or 3 times a day
I said PER SERVING, and a serving is considered 3 scoops. You have had good results with it, though? I only plan to take 3 scoops post workout. Throughout the day I eat chicken, tuna, a Muscle Milk Light, Special K Protein Bar, etc, so I don't need to take more than one of those shakes a day.