How is everyone's training going?

Fuck, I just can't breathe at all after 1 mile because I'm fat and still haven't quit smoking. Ha.

I had a good shoulder workout today before work. Decided to start finally doing dumbell shoulder presses, but didn't do them til the end of my usual routine. That was rough. Could barely press 35lb dumbells haha. Feels good though.
How much do you smoke? I'm not fat but I'm not gazelle-shaped either and I still smoke (Marlboro 27s - so considerable tar), but only 2-3 cigarettes a day and I don't allow myself cigarettes until I've done my cardiovascular activity for the day.

This has been an excellent week for running. I ran Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and today PP and I decided to try running the hilly back roads and up a local mountain. From the top you can see all the surrounding towns and the Hudson River and it's f-ing gorgeous.
I smoke about a half pack a day now. It was a pack or more, but I've managed to cut it down to this for now. And I would describe myself as more of a moose than a gazelle.

I had a pretty good chest workout today. Finally got a little more weight added. 65lb dumbell presses for 8 reps, and 180lb incline and decline presses on the hammerstrength machines. Felt damn good.

EDIT: I've also added to my supplements. I now take my usual which is a pack of Animal Pack vitamins, chia seeds, GreensPak, and the food I eat usually, plus my NO3 Nitric Oxide and Amplified 189 Creatine pre workout, and Amplified Recovery Protein shake post work out. I inluded D4 thermogenic burner after breakfast, plus the same brands pre workout drink mix (I forgot the name), and some Probiotics in the morning. Quite a bit to remember now haha.
I went for a jog today (per usual) and then immediately afterward helped my father cut down a few trees and stack up the logs (meanwhile, in Maine...). It was effortless and I was a bit surprised. Must have been out of my habit of jogging at least a mile before lifting weights to warm up. I recommend it.
Yogging before lifting is the best! On Monday I did a 20 minute sprint intervals program on the elliptical and kind of pushed myself, which I think detracted from my lifting that day. I've also been eating too many carbzzzz and drinking beer, which isn't helping anyone.

I don't take any supplements. Just shoot for my body weight in kilograms' worth of protein, lots of vegetables, + a multivitamin. I'm not really "fit," just an average amount of "in shape" for someone my age, so I don't see a reason to take supplements at this point.

Planning a longish yog tonight, I have nowhere to be until 7:30.
Diet is the hardest part of losing weight, for me anyway. I bought a bunch of boneless skinless chicken breast and brown rice as well as blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and my one true juice today. Trying to eat better is a bitch. I also use SmartBalance Omega 3 cooking oil and spray to help reduce fat when I fry things like eggs.

This morning I fried some egg whites and was about to make toast and realized we only had white bread left. I was pissed. I only use Brownberry or Peppridge Farm whole wheat bread. Ugh.
the price I pay for being a fat ass.
dont get me wrong, banana and peanutbutter rocks my nuts off.
and I do eat good dinners at my parents house every night. lol
I just make sure to fill up on vegetables mostly, especially in the summer.
Dads garden rocks
What's been working really well for me is not eating until 1-2 PM and then having a moderate lunch and a big dinner. I don't really feel like eating until around then and the whole "5-6 mini meals" and "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" thing is made up. The "whole grains" nutrition fad is a lie propagated by corn and wheat agriculture giants to make people gobble carbs.

Greek yogurt solves all the world's problems, I prefer the full-fat kind with fruit mixed in vs. the sugar-laden "flavored" variety. I usually eat a WHOLE chicken breast over salad for lunch.

I'm down to the last few pounds. It's hard and pointless. I'm 5'5 and 126-128, in my mind I want to be < 120 but it's already uncomfortable to sit in chairs or lie in bed because my knee, butt and hip bones poke stuff. I'm not "skinny" by any stretch of the imagination and I look like shit in a bikini but it's getting to the point where I can't drink beer or eat ice cream and lose any more weight, and that sucks.
Been going for a 2 mile jog daily and kayaking whenever the weather agrees. Starting next week I'll be back at UMaine hitting the weightroom hopefully daily too. Gotta work off all the beer and fried seafood I've been consuming during my vacation.