How is everyone's training going?

Anyone else here like me where I don't really put much thought into my fitness and workout routine? I go every other day, warm up with a mile jog, lift for about an hour, not recording anything but reaching for heavier weights when it feels right. I tend to eat very balanced meals but don't take supplements (just a multivitamin) and as a result feel pretty good about myself.

Then again I don't really put much thought into anything these days...
I said PER SERVING, and a serving is considered 3 scoops. You have had good results with it, though? I only plan to take 3 scoops post workout. Throughout the day I eat chicken, tuna, a Muscle Milk Light, Special K Protein Bar, etc, so I don't need to take more than one of those shakes a day.

You're logic is weird but whatever. But good protein, i've been able to maintain but sadly not gain any weight off it, but good muscle builder, I wouldn't stop using it
Anyone else here like me where I don't really put much thought into my fitness and workout routine? I go every other day, warm up with a mile jog, lift for about an hour, not recording anything but reaching for heavier weights when it feels right. I tend to eat very balanced meals but don't take supplements (just a multivitamin) and as a result feel pretty good about myself.

Then again I don't really put much thought into anything these days...

I've let myself go since December, but I certainly hear you. I'm just now getting back into my routine of riding for a couple of hours each night and doing a mish-mash of tricep dips, push-ups, crunches, pull-ups, and squats in no apparent order whenever I feel the need (ideally at least 5-6 times a week), which is what I maintained at the peak of my physical fitness last autumn.
Anyone else here like me where I don't really put much thought into my fitness and workout routine? I go every other day, warm up with a mile jog, lift for about an hour, not recording anything but reaching for heavier weights when it feels right. I tend to eat very balanced meals but don't take supplements (just a multivitamin) and as a result feel pretty good about myself.

Then again I don't really put much thought into anything these days...

I remember the weights I use, but I don't count calories or macros or running times or anything. Too much effort ruins a perfectly enjoyable thing (eating). I just make an effort to exert myself at least 5 days a week.
Finally lifted/did some cardio today. Flubug thingy I had and 2 weeks off from it knocked me back down to pushing/lifting 205. Hopefully it doesn't take me two weeks to claw back to where I was.

I don't count calories, run times, etc. either (I do count sets/reps and weight). I just try to skew as many of my calories as possible towards protein and avoid fast/processed food as much as possible.
Went for a 3.4 mile yog with porkpal yesterday. On our way back we saw a guy with strings of thick drool dangling from his mouth like a bulldog.
Back on the Crossfit gravy train. Crossfit Conjugate, specifically, which kinda combined Westside-style ME days with Crossfit WODs. First week and enjoying it already.

Partially because I kept hurting myself. This was GONNA be the year I hit a 405 bench finally, but doing some semi-speed work with 345 I separated my shoulder and it's been hell healing it, so I figured I'd go for some less tendon-tearing workouts for a while.

^Good shit. Feels good eh?

On that note, I finally got 70 lb dumbells on presses yesterday. Also 55 lb dumbells for incline and decline. Started doing squats yesterday as well. I've been scared to start them because my job demands a lot of physical labor and I knew it would hurt, and I'm sore as fuck. I ended up at only 185 for 4 rough reps. Weak, but I'll improve. I think my deadlifts save me from some pain though.

@rms: What flavor do you use for your Wheybolic Extreme protein? I got cookies and cream and it is just awful. I wonder if I got a bad batch or something.
I buy either Banana Cream, Strawberry or Fruit Punch. I don't really do chocolate and I had vanilla and it was rough to get down. Banana Cream is the shit
I've been doing the same old same old for almost 3 months now. I want to change things up. I need to stop being afraid of the squat rack.
I've been doing the same old same old for almost 3 months now. I want to change things up. I need to stop being afraid of the squat rack.

Squats are one of the best lifting exercises you can do. I stopped doing it since I've been working on the barefoot running, but I have definitely noticed decreased muscle growth speed in other areas since I stopped squatting. Probably going to have to put it back in so I don't hit the proverbial wall.
Yeah dude my middle and posterior region looks awesome thanks to squats. I do them currently with dumbbells but I'd like to graduate to big-boy barbell squats.

Going to the gym w/my roommate today. I did weights yesterday with machines/free weights but I am going to try kettlebells today. They're not that heavy so I won't die, right?
I've been doing the same old same old for almost 3 months now. I want to change things up. I need to stop being afraid of the squat rack.

I just stopped being afraid of it last week and started doing them because I know how great they are for lifting over all. I hurt like hell for 3 days afterward, but that's only the intitial pain, the rest I know will be less hurty. Like my first set of deadlifts almost kept me from work haha, but I did some today and I will only feel them in moderate amounts tomorrow.

A guy at the gym told me it looks like I'm losing weight. Which I guess I am cuz I weighed myself and I'm down to 208 from 220 in January. The change in diet and the lifting must actually be doing more than I thought.
They've got another one now called like a Peantur Butter Blast parfait or some shit. Anyway, it has no peanuts and a lot of that peanut butter syrup amazing.
I had the day off from the gym because they were closed for the holiday, but I'm kinda glad. I'm so fucking sore. My back, my arms, my chest, it's like every workout I've done the past month just crept up and hit me like a 2/3 ton pile of hurty ouchness.