How is everyone's training going?

Ah yeah see I am afraid of the squat rack because my gym is all really intense dudes who yell and throw the weights around and I HATE admitting I need to ask for help. They always give me condescending "awwww isn't it cute she's lifting weights" looks or leer. Dammit why did porkpal stop coming to the gym with me?!?

I ate like 500000000 calories yesterday and my neck/back hurts from falling asleep in the grass on lumpy ground. Fuck!
Yeah dude. 95 F today. I can either barf from heatstroke outside or barf from heatstroke inside at the gym.

Yesterday I tried kettlebells for the first time in addition to my normal upper body routine. I am VERY SORE today.
Butt too.

How the F do people use the heavy kettlebells? The handles are so thick they just slip out of my hands. :(

Discovered the joys of the ERG/rowing machine yesterday. I could do that for hours on end if the seat weren't so damn hard
I discovered the joy of shoulder pain while lifting. I don't think it's a joint issue, more of a muscle cramping sort of feel, and only during my chest and shoulder workouts, but it's unpleasant nonetheless.

Did this today, was retarded.
My glutes have been sore since Thursday and getting up/sitting down results in elderly man sounds. Attacking the weights today. I've been eating at a deficit the past few days and am one pound away from my target weight.
Bicep and tricep workout a little while ago. I've read that if you superset a bicep set with a tricep set it does more for both, and over the last few weeks of doing so I must agree. Feels good.

I think I need to use a different pre-workout drink. I'm using Cellucor's C4 now, and I always have a massive crash afterward and can barely move. Not pleasant. I think I'll go back to MusclePharm's Assault.
Jesus H Christ I felt like a worm in the free weights area today. Here I am rowing 35 pounds like a dweeb and Power Cleaning Metalhead just walks up and powercleans like 350. OK not 350 but might as well have been.

The learning curve and male/female upper body strength discrepancy really sucks sometimes.

That said I am BEAT as FUCK so I must've done something correctly.
I can only do 65 lb dumb bell rows, so don't think you're doing too badly. I'm also 6'1" and 210 lbs so I should be stronger. I let myself go bad apparently haha.
I can't do tri's and bi's same day anymore, my forearms/top part of my bi's hurt from all the sets so now I just slaughter my bi's on a different day
Haha 65 pounds is still almost twice 35. Whatever. As long as I keep getting stronger and not weaker I'm not gonna freak out. If I cared that much about # lifted I'd stop cutting and start bulking.

Hit target weight. Naturally decided to knock it lower and shoot for that.
As long as I keep getting stronger and not weaker I'm not gonna freak out. QUOTE]


Also, you're fairly skinny and small compared to my 6'1", right? You would think I could do better than just double. haha.

I didn't go to the gym this morning as planned because my boss who is a friend of mine wanted to go this afternoon which is just before work for me, and of course I agreed. And of course I slept til I had to be up for work. Now I am off schedule and very unhappy that I missed a workout.
My left shoulder might have something wrong with it. I was doing shoulder presses today and it just gave out. It was kind of popping and it didn't feel too pleasant....:confused: