How is everyone's training going?

Yeah, that's pretty much why I've been content with just being skinny as fuck. Considering that I work in a pharmacy and my hobbies consist of things that I do while sitting on my ass, I didn't see much of a point in working out since I don't have to worry about becoming fat. I'm getting a bit sick of it though, I have the feeling that being such a lazy ass is taking a toll on my testosterone levels and, thus, causing a lack of intellectual motivation.
I think my wording was unclear. Basically, I've just been lazy. I can be as lazy as I want while living on a diet of fried chicken and Mountain Dew and not put on a pound. I've got myself eating healthy now because I don't want to develop diabetes, so now I would like to put on some muscle.
Man I wish I had those kind of genetics...first off, you're an asshole. Second, once you get into the gym and make it a routine it becomes something you look forward to. At least for me. It's not easy haha, but you feel good about it.
Creatine is, besides protein, the best supplement you can take for muscle growth and strength gains. You only need 5-10 grams a day. I usually just take it an hour before working out, and within an hour after with my protein. As far as weight, do you mean you don't want to gain fat? Obviously if you are fairly skinny and start putting on muscle you will gain weight in that regard...

Yeah, i meant gaining weight due the muscle growht. I articulated it poorly but plan is to exercise not only strenght but also do runs n shit.
Put on some mussel!

Yesterday I was on the erg machine going pretty hard and some fat dude was like "hurhurhur what are you training for, the Olympics?" I WISH.

I'm retarded or something and don't "get" nutrition. Am I doing myself an enormous disservice by eating at a steep caloric deficit on days I lift? It kills my appetite until 1-2 days after :/ Meanwhile trying to get brotein up to almost 1g per pound of body weight. For lunch I have a whole can of tuna (32g), hard boiled eggs, plain Greek yogurt, and a shitassload of vegetables. hungggffff.
In short, yes. When you exercise, you are breaking down your muscles. If you give them nothing to rebuild with, they just degrade further. Also, when you do cardio, your body needs a certain level of fuel to function. If it isn't there, your body goes after your muscle for fuel before it goes after fat. The best way to burn fat is to eat plenty of quality protein and healthy fats, and eliminate as much in the way of simple carbs/sugars as possible. Low fat diets are bullshit, and are counterproductive. When you do severe caloric/protein/fat restriction, your body responds by eating muscle and hoarding fat, as it perceives starvation.
Hungggggggggffffffffffff, better buy stock in beefsteaks.

Should note I never do "a lot" of cardio in terms of energy expended - 15-30 minutes on lifting days and not much more on others. I also sit at a desk from 9-5 which doesn't burn much. Generally speaking my sugars/simple carbs come from fruit, ice cream and beer.
Trainer always told me to lift before running. You obviously need all your energy to lift, and you're body naturally burns sugar first, especially muscle. So when ya hit the treadmill you'll be burning fat right away.
Had a good back workout today. 295 deadlifts, got up to 90 lb dumb bell rows, some lat pull downs, and supersets of t-bar shrugs and cable rows. I'll be sore tomorrow haha.
Pretty good. Recent accomplishments:

460 deadlift belt-free
275 front squat belt free
275 incline
90x15 incline DB press
385 back squat belt free

All on a caloric deficit while losing 20lb. Go me.
You assholes are all cheating because you're (A) male and (B) almost twice my size.

Banged out the usual upper body/back routine today in a hurry before work. Gonna graduate to 100 lbs on the lat pull down soon. Yesterday I went for a really nice run in the local old cemetery.

Tomorrow marks one week smoke free!
Pretty good. Recent accomplishments:

460 deadlift belt-free
275 front squat belt free
275 incline
90x15 incline DB press
385 back squat belt free

All on a caloric deficit while losing 20lb. Go me.

Prior fatty? I wish I lifted when I was fat, would it make it easier than trying to gain weight from being skinny as hell.
Prior fatty? I wish I lifted when I was fat, would it make it easier than trying to gain weight from being skinny as hell.

When I was younger, yeah. I'm about 6'2 and 215 right now.

Trimming down partly because I'm injured so I can't go ultra heavy, might as well drop some fat. :p

Haha, yeah. Hurt like a bastard. The AdiPures are the best shoes I've ever dealt with. Awesome for ANY training I do.