How is everyone's training going?

What does everyone want from working out? haha Toning and muscle gain. I'm not going to into the olympics for lifting anytime soon soooooo
My main goal is strength with a nice slice of athleticism on the side. It's why I do a customized Crossfit routine.

Speaking of which, god DAMN I hate jumping rope.
What does everyone want from working out? haha Toning and muscle gain. I'm not going to into the olympics for lifting anytime soon soooooo

Squats will be the first thing recommended by anyone. Also, calf raises to help with toning. You can do some leg presses, lunges, and lef lifts as well. I just do squats and calf raises, and that does enough to suit me.
I was thinking of dumbell lunges, maybe box jumps, regular squats and you talking calf raises like on the squat machine thing(not sure what it's called) and just have your toes on it? Sounds like a solid enough routine to me
If you are talking about the machine I think you are, it's actually for calf raises haha. There should be a seated calf raise machine there as well, though. That routine will accomplish most of your goals, but if you are looking for size in your legs, definitely throw in some leg extensions and presses as well. The lunges are pretty good too. And squats help your whole body, same with deadlifts.

I didn't do shoulders last week because my left shoulder was hurting. I did them yesterday but didn't do the dumb bell presses because that's what caused the pain. Everything went smooth until the end then the pain started coming back. I hope it's nothing serious...
Describe what hurts and where. Is it in the back of your shoulder or the front? Can you do pushups?
Yes, I can do push ups. Sometimes I feel it when I do flat presses, though. It's kind of on the side, right on the outside. It feels like a muscle sore, but I also feel a popping or something in the joint. If I put my right hand on the top of the shoulder at the joint and lift it like I'm doing the chicken dance it pops everytime.
I have probably destroyed my metabolism with years of yo-yo losing and gaining...I like working out regularly because (A) I can eat more and still have a 24 inch waist, (B) I want to be functionally able and not have to worry about being too out of shape to do stuff, (C) feel butch as fuck, (D) it's a cheap and health-positive hobby that I can do anywhere.
Yes, I can do push ups. Sometimes I feel it when I do flat presses, though. It's kind of on the side, right on the outside. It feels like a muscle sore, but I also feel a popping or something in the joint. If I put my right hand on the top of the shoulder at the joint and lift it like I'm doing the chicken dance it pops everytime.

Sounds to me like a slight rotator strain. Look up rotator cuff exercises, throw 'em in with your warmup routine and that should help.
If you are talking about the machine I think you are, it's actually for calf raises haha. There should be a seated calf raise machine there as well, though. That routine will accomplish most of your goals, but if you are looking for size in your legs, definitely throw in some leg extensions and presses as well. The lunges are pretty good too. And squats help your whole body, same with deadlifts.

I'm talking about it's pretty much where you squat but it has the two pads over your shoulders and instead of going all the way you just use your tip toes, but that's probably the routine i'll try this weekend

Something like this, but not as gay looking..but doesn't really matter anyways
Wanna work on your calves? Do box jumps, olympic lifts, and jump rope.

Hit a PR on front squat today with 285. Wasn't pretty, but hit it. Feelin' good.
I once did a circuit drill of a 400m or so run, pushups, pullups, lunges, box jumps, and star-jumpers. OMFG that shit will wear you out.
Man Crossfit would make you a sad panda, LOL. Some of the circuits I've done in the past month have been brutal.

135x5 power cleans
5 36" box jumps
- As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 minutes

135lb bar:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
- 7 rounds for a single "set", five sets

30 leg raises
30 deadlifts with 225
30 double unders
30 overhead squats with 95
30 pullups
Sounds to me like a slight rotator strain. Look up rotator cuff exercises, throw 'em in with your warmup routine and that should help.

That's what I was thinking...I just hope it isn't anything too serious. I have been lifting for long, less than a year, so it would suck to already have injuries to deal with...