How is everyone's training going?

Man Crossfit would make you a sad panda, LOL. Some of the circuits I've done in the past month have been brutal.

Probably would. Since my personal workout area is non airconditioned, and I've been cleaning up my new yard, haven't been training like I need to. I've got 2 semester hours this fall though of weight lifting and yoga to get my fulltime status for the GI Bill, so waiting to see if it's legit or I'm going to need to train on my own separately. I miss the days of being a gym hound, but kids+married life+college makes it difficult. Not going to let it go though, just can't train like I want. Would love to have the time/space to do that kind of shit.
My friend was visiting from Australia the past couple days.

We were supposed to get humongous deadly storms last night so after work we hiked up and down a mountain at probably 175% normal pace.

Aaaand then ate chicken wings and a turkey sandwich and sweet potato fries.
Finally got a 315 deadlift today...yay me! After a hardcore back workout I took a nap, then went on a 3 mile bike ride. My legs started burning pretty bad...fuck I'm out of shape.
I feel really proud of myself every time I make it to the gym before work.

You should, merely getting to the place to work out at is the hardest part. I'm still slacking right now. Been doing all sorts of yard cleanup and vehicle prev maintenance, and never in the mood to get more sticky later. Can't wait for the fall.
Yard cleanup counts as going to the gym. I sit at a desk all day refreshing GMD and Reddit and don't have little mouths to feed.

Last night was an epic feast of ravioli with a ton of summer squash/zuke and a shitload of Turkey Hill "double dunker" ice cream and peanut butter and jelly cookies in animal shapes. Had weird carbohydrate dreams all night. Got up, went to gym, decided to do some treadmill sprints, kettlebells, intervals on stair stepper.
Unfortunately the work Im doing is more sweat than exertion. Im just tired of sweating. Sweating just sitting/standing fucking sucks.
Finally got a 315 deadlift today...yay me! After a hardcore back workout I took a nap, then went on a 3 mile bike ride. My legs started burning pretty bad...fuck I'm out of shape.

Nice dude! Any time you hit a plate barrier that's always awesome.

I'm on the opposite side when it comes to hitting the gym, haha. I get twitchy if I miss it. If I take a week off I start to really go stir crazy. Last November I took a month off to rehab my shoulder and nearly had an episode, LOL.

No real accomplishments for me lately. I mean, I'm down 20lb, so that's pretty rad. Hit a 175 strict standing press and finally got a set of 10 strict "chest to bar" chinups. 2012 goal is to get down 200lb and see if I can't get some strength up.
Went shopping last night and realized I have completely transformed the shape of my torso in just a few months of lazy barely-challenging-myself strength training. Wearing a fucking backless shirt when I go out later tonight.

Also managed one set @ 100 lb on lat pull down machine. 80% of my body weight! unffffff.
I had to read that like four times before I remember you're a girl. I'm sitting here going "dude, no, backless shirts are a bad idea."
It's hard not to make stupid faces when lifting.

Dude, dat ass...

I have been to the gym once since Sunday morning. It's really bugging me. But I've worked some ridiculous hours and have needed sleep. In three days (Mon, Tues, Wed) I put in 41 hours. But I got in there yesterday for a decent arm workout...not enough though. Guess this is an off week for me :(
LOL I have one fuck of a squatter's ass.

I'm right with you on the work thing though. I've been doing 60-70 hours a week for the past few months and finally got a 4 day weekend. x_x
I had to read that like four times before I remember you're a girl. I'm sitting here going "dude, no, backless shirts are a bad idea."

LOLOLOL. My feats of weakness would be way too embarrassing to post if I were a dude.

Watched this ripped dude do pistol squats yesterday. I wanna be able to do that. Need to get more serious about my legs.
Pistols are an outrageous exercise. I really want to learn them someday, but in the 200s it's a bit of a tall order.
I think at 125 and being bottom-heavy it could be achieved. My balance is awful.

Extra sets during this morning's sort of rushed upper body session. Arms feel noodly. Gonna run a couple miles on my way home from work.