How is everyone's training going?

I did something similar but worse to my shin when I was like 10 (playing football). Screamed so loud my mom heard it a house away. Still have a scar.

I'm using Vibrams. Not familiar with Adipure. I assume it's Adidas.
Yeah, basically the same thing except I think the Adidas have a slightly stiffer sole, and no laces. Barefoot training is the only way to go, yah?
I think I can go without the barefoot thing.

Had a fantastic arm workout today (plus a calf raise exercise). The bicep/tricep supersets make my arms feel huge and like they are going to explode. I love it.
I think I can go without the barefoot thing.

Had a fantastic arm workout today (plus a calf raise exercise). The bicep/tricep supersets make my arms feel huge and like they are going to explode. I love it.

It ain't for everybody, I'll admit. My stepdad does triathlons and won't touch the Vibram shoes with a ten foot pole. Me? I'll never wear anything else.
Everyone has their own preference. Kinda like I refuse to wear shorts ever for any reason. It's 100+ degrees and even outside of work (where I have to wear jeans) I wear jeans. Except when I workout, in which case I wear pants to workout in. I hate shorts so god damned much I am going to make a thread about it.
Man. I'd work out almost nude if I could. I hate having ANYTHING in my way when I'm in the gym. I only wear sleeves if I'm squatting so the bar doesn't slip off my shoulders and I'd honestly have tiny-ass shorts on if I could get away with it.
d_t you're nuts. I can't deal with pants ever, even if I'm running outside in the winter. Leggings will do if it's freezing or colder, but shorts are the way.

I'm really picky about shorts and own a total of one pair that I wear to exercise in 5-6 days a week. They have to "hold me in" and not slide up or down or ride up, as well as have a key pocket.

I think it's LOL that so many women invest in really expensive color coordinated workout clothes and then lift 2 lb neoprene "dumbbells" or do 50 reps of 10 lbs on the machines, seriously why bother?
d_t you're nuts. I can't deal with pants ever, even if I'm running outside in the winter. Leggings will do if it's freezing or colder, but shorts are the way.

I'm really picky about shorts and own a total of one pair that I wear to exercise in 5-6 days a week. They have to "hold me in" and not slide up or down or ride up, as well as have a key pocket.

I think it's LOL that so many women invest in really expensive color coordinated workout clothes and then lift 2 lb neoprene "dumbbells" or do 50 reps of 10 lbs on the machines, seriously why bother?

They have an entirely different purpose for being in the gym.

I have 5 pairs of Polo pocketed mesh shorts of identical style but different colors that I rotate. Only paid like 5$ for them at Sams.
I don't go to a "normal" gym so there are very few of said women, most of them are boxers or housewives or random strays like me. But at YMCA, Planet Fitness, Gold's etc on guest pass runs I've seen a lot of that. I don't think it's a pickup attempt because if you were trying to pick up, you'd be rolling around in the weights area with the boys?
I don't go to a "normal" gym so there are very few of said women, most of them are boxers or housewives or random strays like me. But at YMCA, Planet Fitness, Gold's etc on guest pass runs I've seen a lot of that. I don't think it's a pickup attempt because if you were trying to pick up, you'd be rolling around in the weights area with the boys?

Different purpose doesn't necessarily mean picking up dudes. Some are just killing time, some are there as a social status thing. Some just want to burn that Snickers bar they ate. None of those reasons are reasons to really get into it.
That's why I love Planet Fitness. Keeps all the pussbuckets and "socializers" the fuck out of real gyms. I don't want to deal with that shit.
What do you guys do for legs? I'm thinking of starting this, i've never worked out my legs other than running. Thinking of a routine no more than 6 exercises