How is everyone's training going?

Noticing my pants getting a little looser. Not eating super crazy well but being consistent about exercise. If only I didn't have a beer weakness.....
Tolerance is now so low that I am legit "can't drive" after one weak liquor drink and a light beer.

I've lost 7 pounds since I resumed regular exercise but I went down a full pants size and I'm SWOLE AS FUCK now only not really

I've cut alchohol totally out of my diet. Also basically moving into be a pure vegetarian at this point. Also cut out a lot of wheat, barring pasta.

Lost 10 lbs over the past month doing it with some light excercise. Upping my gym time starting tonight.
I think I have my supplementation program complete. It is as follows (not including my meals):

Chia Seeds
Fish Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Lean Muscle Meal meal replacement shakes (1 or 2 a day as a snack)
1 Animal Pak vitamins
Green's Pak

Modern BCAA's
2.5 grams Creatine Monohydrate
Muscle Pharm's Assault
Cellucor's NO3

2.5 grams Creatine Monohydrate
Wheybolic Extreme 60 Protein Shake
Why are you wasting your time with creatine, and all that bullshit. You have extra weight to lose, just take protein shakes and let it burn, you're one of those GNC suckers.
Yeah, I'm not noticing a huge difference without using sups (I take vitamins, but referring specifically to muscle growth shit). I can't really justify the expense atm so I just make sure my normal diet is protein oriented.
All the supplements have worked for me so far. I've lost about 20 pounds in just a few months and my gains in strength are noticable. I've gained quite a bit of muscle as well. And supplements don't really effect fat fact gaining muscle is a good way to lose fat. Ugh...anyway, they work for me.
Ugh it's exhausting watching what you eat ALL THE TIME, one weekend of just eating what everybody else eats and I'm up like 5 lbs of water retention and have no jawline this morning.
What are your experiences of creatine? Planning to build some mass and was curios whatever it will work or not so just starded using it. Not want to gain too much weight either so i can maintain somewhat my aeropic condition.
Creatine is, besides protein, the best supplement you can take for muscle growth and strength gains. You only need 5-10 grams a day. I usually just take it an hour before working out, and within an hour after with my protein. As far as weight, do you mean you don't want to gain fat? Obviously if you are fairly skinny and start putting on muscle you will gain weight in that regard...
My back is SORE as FUCK from Sunday morning. My buddy and I always plan at least one workout together on the weekends for back. He hit his highest deadlift at 385, and I hit mine at 295 for 4 rough reps. Also did some heavy ass dumb bell rows, close grip lat pull downs, and seated rows super-setted with shrugs. Man, that was a good workout. Chest in the a.m.....hopefully I'll get those 75 lb dumb bells on the flat bench finally.
Not really...I cycle it 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off and I'm no smaller from the off cycle. Creatine is something your body makes on it's own and you get from things like fish, so it's not like a steroid or something.
Fuck me, I need to get into shape. Or at least not be utterly weak. 20 push ups got the breath going :lol: I'm 6'0 tall and weigh 125 so you can imagine. I've been disappointed with myself mentally as of late too, so perhaps getting a bit more fit will help with that as well.