How is everyone's training going?

I think the 12 hour overnight shifts finally burned me out. I haven't been to the gym in almost 2 weeks. I get off, go home, and sleep...Ugh. I feel so very soft right now.
So trying to get in a squat workout after doing deadlifts and squat cleans on Tuesday then 40 minutes of sprint drills on Wednesday was a stupid idea. Had nothing in the tank.
That's under 10min a mile for a pace. Not gonna win any races, but it's respectable. I should time my 5k on Saturday. Curious what I'll hit.
I haven't run any races. I think knowing I was in a race would push me a lot.

I'm sure everyone is different in that regard, but I know it didn't really do much for my time. Of course I didn't really half ass when I trained either. Knowing I needed to make a better time maybe shaved 30 secs max.

Re:pistol Squats. So that's what those are called.
My best mile right now is about 7:30 and I can aaaaalmost run a 400m in under a minute. No idea what'll happen when I try to pace myself for more distance.

So today I did a hilarious Crossfit variation: "Grace" is 135x30 clean and jerks, so I did 185. Slower, but fun. Then practiced my handstand pushups. Got a set of 8 before I completely collapsed. Some day I wanna get a set of 10, tapping my head on the floor each rep.
Was gonna do a 5k today. Changed my mind and did 8 200m balls-out sprints and then a quick mile after. Went all right, but I'm all captain blister right now.
I started a new program where I do 5 sets of 5 reps for pretty much everything. I increase weight by 10-20 pounds for each exercise every week, seems to be working well so far. I'm sore for several days after each workout.
Bench press
incline bench press
french press (5 sets of 8 reps)
dumbell tricep kickbacks
finisher: usually 2 sets of 12 bodyweight dips

Barbell bent over rows
T-bar rows
Lat pulldowns

seated dumbell shoulder press
clean and press with the preacher bar
standing preacher bar curls
cable pulldowns (usually like 3 sets of 15, the weight doesn't go heavy enough)
then some bicep finishers, like a set or two of pullups, or this other thing I do, not sure what its called. I call them hang ups. Basically, you get in one of those racks you do dips in, grasping the handles but hanging upside down, then pulling yourself up until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. It's hard to describe, I'm not sure if you can picture it well from that description. I can try and draw a picture if needed.
All I see is a complete and utter lack of lower body work. I mean if you're just trying to look pretty for the beach I guess that'll be okay, but uh.
I havent been training my Brazilian Ju-Jutsu all summer but look forward going back in a week or so when the proper training starts again (even though the dojo has been open for training during the summer as well). I really felt I made some progress the last few weeks I was active so I look forward to get back into rollin' shape and then pick up where I left off.

Been running throughout the summer though as usual. This year without timing myself. I really noticed I was feeling stressed when I did - I think its connected to me being mentally stressed fora good while now. So naturally I dont know how I stand to my best times I made before (10km I did in 44:45 minutes I believe) but running has a more comfortable feel to it this year.

Been doing some random strength stuff but only at home so nothing flashy. Just to keep my muscles working a little so I wont loose to much until i get back to BJJ.
Tracking everything ruins it all for type-B personalities, I think. I eat like 400 times as much when I count calories as when I don't.

Some stupid SomeGuyDude-sized teenager and his stupid fat coach put all their dumbbells on the bench this morning while said teenager was using the squat rack, which meant nothing bench-oriented for me. They were like 80 lb dumbbells so moving them would probably have been physically impossible for me. RUDE

I love the rowing/ERG machine so much but it really hurts my butt. I think I could do that for an hour straight every day and not get bored if I had a donut cushion.
Trying to get more serious about the gym with a different work schedules these days. I used to go at least 6 times a week but now it's about 4..trying to do more than 6 with 2 a days on the weekends
LOL I wasn't sure if SGD-sized was meant as an insult or not until I kept reading.

Honestly, DR? Just tell 'em you want the bench. I've found that even your general douchenozzle in the gym will move his shit if a girl asks to use the bench.
Nah I just meant "jacked as fuck" (but less epic legs) - next time I'll say something, today I just felt tolerant I guess.