How is everyone's training going?

Still, tolerant or not, it's rude to leave weights laying around like that. I hate when I go to the squat rack and some ass-cracker has 500 fucking pounds on there that I have to strip off before starting.

Today's workout was rather decent...until the end when some douche-cookie came in and acted like a fag-head. He was doing single sets of the most random exercises possible with terrible form. Then, I was doing my last set of the day which was super-setting decline dumbell presses and cable flies, he decide to enrage me. As I was doing my cable flies, he shows up out of nowhere, goes to the decline bench where my weights and towel are, puts my weights away, tosses my towel on the floor, raises the bench to an unnecessary height, and does one set of presses then goes on to something else. What a cock-eater.
That's nearly as bad as 3-4+ dudes monopolizing a piece of equipment for an hour while jawjacking and then whenever one does do a set, it's inevitably a douchebag who has to grunt and holler like a fag to let the whole gym know he is lifting weight.
Axle squats are awkward as fuck. I could only go up 3 plates for a couple triples because the damn thing just wouldn't sit still on my shoulders.
That's nearly as bad as 3-4+ dudes monopolizing a piece of equipment for an hour while jawjacking and then whenever one does do a set, it's inevitably a douchebag who has to grunt and holler like a fag to let the whole gym know he is lifting weight.

That or he is using more weight than he can actually do correctly and does those partial reps or something...why bother?
Grunters and such are kind of funny. Even when I'm pushing myself to failure I don't holler...just a pathetic constipated "hnngffff." Then again I don't do anything explosive like CLAPPING WEIGHTED PULLUPS or power cleans, so who am I to judge? I'll gladly take the grunters over hordes of fat people walking on treadmills though. I have a pretty good bitchface for asking equipment monopolizers to move when they sit on the equipment NOT USING IT talking, goes great with my naturally Daria-esque speaking voice.

Treadmill sprints and kettlebell swings and lunges this morning. I had ice cream for dinner. Yeah! Fueling myself properly!
I definitely start to make noise when things start to get rough, but then again I lift at a noisy grunter gym so maybe it's just that I'm used to that environment. :p
a log pyramid.
multiple logs stretching across the trail. Can either ride over it, or walk over it.
Have to go over it with speed. Cannot go slow
the first time I tried going over I went too slow. My front tire got stuck on the other side and I flew over the handle bars.
I am going to try to make it to the gym after work. The thing that really sucks is they don't open til 5:30 and I get off at 4. It's hard to stay up and motivated for that hour and a half after a 12 hour shift.
I have joined a motherfucking gym yo. First session with a trainer tomorrow. This is a large but extremely necessary step for me. After recently splitting with my long-term partner and then fucking my ankle at work, I've been eating worse, drinking more, and then sitting about a whole lot waiting for my ankle to heal. This has resulted in me putting on around 6 kilos, and I really already needed to lose some weight. I usually weigh around 90 kilos and ideally I'd like to weigh about 80-83. At the moment I weigh 96.

I've already started eating better food/smaller portions and banned beer during the week. My plan is to hit the gym as often as I can during the week and have weekends off. I'd like to build some upper body strength and lose the fucking beer gut. I have no interest in being buff or muscly, this is all about being more healthy and losing weight.

Any of you guys have any advice for me? Does this sound like I'm being realistic and doing the right thing? I don't even know what to ask the trainer. I have tried running before, I ran most nights for about 8 months and hated it and found it exhausting and it didn't give me any results. Also my ankle is still a bit shit and I can't do anything on it that stretches or impacts it.
The only way to actually lose weight is simply burning more calories than you take in. It also helps to not eat garbage, but the basic fundamental is find your basal metabolic rate, and adjust by eating about 500 calories less than that a day, or create a 500 calorie deficit through exercise and your diet. That causes about a pound a week loss in fat.
Don't run if you hate running and are injured! Lift weights - more muscle = more calories burned in day to day living = your metabolism goes ^^^ = less total time needed in the gym.

It sounds like your plan is going to work, caloric deficit alone with no activity will result in weight loss.

I have graduated to 40# on the bent-over db row, which is wimpy but keep in mind I am wimpy too. Ran 2 miles on the bike path after work yesterday because I felt like it. 18:35, I'm still slow but I'm getting faster!!!
Welcome to the thread STN.

First: What Lora said.

If you don't want to bulk up that doesn't mean skip the weights, that just means less weight/more reps, or focus on exercises utilizing body weight etc. Things like Crossfit, P90X, Kettlebells, etc.

Muscle burns calories even when you aren't doing anything, which makes it a major asset for fat loss. Just cutting calories will actually sabotage your existing muscle mass first. Start eating lean meats and complex carbs, avoid sugar/processed food/simple carbs and exercise to funnel that quality caloric intake to your muscles. You will start seeing results.
I really hate the "I don't want to bulk up" thing. It's like you're saying you think you'll pile on muscle so fast that it'll be out of control, like your genetics are so amazing that you'll lift heavy for a couple weeks and suddenly you're Ronnie Coleman.

Here's a hot tip: if somehow you have the magical DNA that has you piling on muscle like there's no tomorrow, you can always just scale back the lifting. Or don't use the whole "I don't wanna bulk up" excuse to get out of actually putting the effort in the weight room. Fuck.