How is everyone's training going?

Pork ain't bad for you at all. It's just another meat. Hell it's a really lean protein source if you want that.

And yeah, wandering, that's me, haha.
Pigs have a simple digestion system and a limited ability to shed toxins and are favorable ground for a variety of parasites etc. The meat is quite an inferior source of protein, regardless of it's leanness. Processed pork products (sausage, bacon, hotdogs) are even worse.
All I know is I'm a heavy egg eater and get occasional bloodwork done and my numbers are always spotless. Maybe it can't be called universal, but as long as everything's going well, why switch it up?

Also, some axle pressing.

Is this crossfit inspired? I don't understand exercises where you can throw your body weight around instead of using your muscles to lift things
Is this crossfit inspired? I don't understand exercises where you can throw your body weight around instead of using your muscles to lift things

I hope you're aware that this sentence made absolutely no sense. What do you think is lifting it? My bones? My hair?

And Overwatch, the nonsense about parasites being in pork products is pure urban myth. It was true that pig products were more prone to trichinosis ages back, but that's been pretty much obliterated in modern times.

Vary your meat sources, pigs aren't somehow inherently inferior to chickens or cows.
That's why you COOK your pork. No one is touting the benefits of porkchop tartar over here.

Your boner? harharhararhurrrrderpderpderp
I think there's a difference between someone who eats loads of fatty pork products and sits on their ass drinking beer and someone who grills up a couple lean pork chops a few times a week. Like... a fairly VAST difference.

Like I said, my digestive system is in good shape, my numbers are normal, and I eat loads of all sorts of meats and eggs. Unless someone's suggesting that there's some kind of negative health effect that no medical tests can measure, I'm gonna continue eating what I eat and enjoy it all.
I hope you're aware that this sentence made absolutely no sense. What do you think is lifting it? My bones? My hair?.

I don't understand the exercise, it's a standing military press but instead you aren't supporting your back and using your legs to give momentum to your shoulders. Why not do military presses?
I don't understand the exercise, it's a standing military press but instead you aren't supporting your back and using your legs to give momentum to your shoulders. Why not do military presses?

It's a full body lift. Try it sometime. Far more is activated than just your shoulders.
But the important thing is just to do what works for you and you can keep up forever.

This sounds good. I couldn't go until 2pm without eating. I'd collapse. I'm just going to try to eat more for lunch and less for dinner at this point and see how that goes. I've been waking up much better not going to bed stupidly full which is an added bonus.

Went for 2nd gym session yesterday and found it much harder than the first. I dunno if it's because I had only been the day before or whether my warm up wasn't long enough, but I could barely get through the routine and my legs didn't want to walk afterwards. The rowing machine is a killer.
Grunters and such are kind of funny. Even when I'm pushing myself to failure I don't holler...just a pathetic constipated "hnngffff." Then again I don't do anything explosive like CLAPPING WEIGHTED PULLUPS or power cleans, so who am I to judge? I'll gladly take the grunters over hordes of fat people walking on treadmills though. I have a pretty good bitchface for asking equipment monopolizers to move when they sit on the equipment NOT USING IT talking, goes great with my naturally Daria-esque speaking voice.

Treadmill sprints and kettlebell swings and lunges this morning. I had ice cream for dinner. Yeah! Fueling myself properly!

Ive met so many odd folks in the gym over the years and seen some hilariously stupid shit. If i some day make sketch comedy i know where ill get my inspiration.
Been having great workouts today, yesterday, Saturday, all last week. Probably due to the excess ice cream calories I've been eating. My weight is staying the same but I've lost inches. PP can almost put his hands around my waist, which is cool I guess.

Overwatch - I thought of you when I was shoveling pork tenderloin into my face at a BBQ last night!

Satanstoenail - Rowing is good for you! This girl was a rower in high school and college 6 years ago, and doesn't exercise EVER and eats ~4,000 calories every day and still looks like this:

I finally hit over 190, at 191 currently. I almost cried on the scale yesterday. Trying to hit 200 and can finally stop worrying about eating everything in the world to gain weight.