How is everyone's training going?

Circuit today: 315x5 deadlifts, 10 36" box jumps, five rounds for time. Phone fell off the thing and knocked the battery out, dunno my final time, but I was sweating buckets by the end.
Had a damn good back workout yesterday (still got that 315 deadlift, and my buddy got 405), and a great chest workout today. Up to 250 on decline presses on the Hammer Strength machine.

EDIT: The 250 was for 5 reps, then a set of 2 after 20 seconds and another two after another 20 seconds.
Back to the gym this morning. I really missed it! Haven't lost strength which is good. Not like one would after 5 days between lifting but you know.

Seriously though, free weights ftw, body weight squats ftw, pullups ftw, yoga ftw, food ftw. That's all I have to add right now.

I'm not a yoga guy but the rest is spot on. There is ONE machine I use, and it's only barely a machine. It's a chest-supported t-bar row and that's only for days when my lower back is torched.

Extra work on my 3rd world squat the last week or so. I think it's actually helping out.
Almost two weeks of gym and I've upped my cardio workout and am finding the rowing machine loads easier. Tonight I worked out to Ministry - Psalm 69 and it was awesome. Definitely will remain high on the workout playlist.
Ministry is AWESOME workout music!

More treadmill sprints and some kettlebell swings this morning. Ran out of time. Maybe I'll do more later today if I feel like it.
I got brutal on my bis/tris yesterday. They are sore as fuck. And my forearms. The supersets of bicep/tricep workouts is working out quite well. My arms feel fuller and are starting to look halfway decent. Now...about the boobs and belly. Just ugh. I think I'll get back on meth. Just for the weight loss. HA!
PP made huge beefsteaks for dinner last night. Mmm protein. My roommate is training to be a "Pit Boss" at Dinosaur BBQ and brought home a huge pile of pulled pork which I packed for lunch.

Weights this morning. Cardio later. Double gym yesterday. I dunno, I'd like to knock off some more pounds/inches but I don't feel like eating less, so this is the only way.
Weighed myself tonight, 92 kilos compared with 96 two weeks ago. Shit may well be getting real. In addition to the smaller portioned meals and cutting out of beer during the week I've been eating eggs on toast for breakfast, grazing on almonds during the day and eating tuna & fruit for lunch. Cardio was upped again tonight as I enter week 3.
Pfff, MEN. I had chips and chocolate for dinner last night. Nearly dropped the big kettlebell this morning and almost died doing sprints. My goal is to be in a constant state of DOMS. And eventually 52 kg.
Haha - I am sort of at POW BLAMMO MEGAMETABOLISM, but my normal food intake consists of Greek yogurt, chicken/tuna/fish/pork/beef, hard boiled eggs, a huge shitload of vegetables, tofu, kimchee, sometimes protein bars/shakes or peanut butter, and not much else aside from the occasional fruit. Chips and chocolate for dinner is rare and acceptable only a week before my period.

I had diarrhea this morning but still ran a couple miles and rowed. Big hike tomorrow means PASTA FOR DINNER!
Pullups to 13 on first set! My form is shit but Im just trying to get the muscles used to repping before I work on form again. Working out with 185 benching, got 205 up a few times with spot. Trying to climb that mountain AGAIN.
You know what's fun? L-chinups.

Also, did a LOL crazy circuit today: 6 minute AMRAP of 2 power cleans with my body weight followed by two box jumps at waist height, back and forth nonstop. Got 12 rounds and nearly vomited.
LOL I'm... decent, I'd say. I can standing shoulder press about 185 strict (no leg drive, start from the bottom to full extension), I think I might be able to squat 385, deadlift is hovering around 475, no belt for either. I can't bench right now because I separated my right shoulder in a reallllllly stupid dumbbell bench accident, so right now I just stick with 135 and do sets of 15-20 once a week.

I've been stronger in the past, but I was also 30lb heavier or so. Right now I'm in probably the best shape of my life doing a customized strength/crossfit workout and eating Paleo except for one meal per week (which is right now baybeeeee!!!!).

EDIT: BTW it's an official 30 in terms of my current diet. I was hovering between 235 and 240 about three months ago, weighed 208 today.
PP made huge beefsteaks for dinner last night. Mmm protein. My roommate is training to be a "Pit Boss" at Dinosaur BBQ and brought home a huge pile of pulled pork which I packed for lunch.

Weights this morning. Cardio later. Double gym yesterday. I dunno, I'd like to knock off some more pounds/inches but I don't feel like eating less, so this is the only way.

I gotta be honest, goin' Paleo was easier than I thought it'd be. I give myself one 3 hour cheat window per week and aside from that it's really easy to enjoy the kinda foods the plan calls for. Like earlier today I made a HUGE bowl of chicken, broccoli, onions, garlic, snap peas, and jalapenos cooked in olive oil with spices and it was AWESOME.

Right now I'm eating pure shit, but again, cheat meal.