How is everyone's training going?

Overwatch - I thought of you when I was shoveling pork tenderloin into my face at a BBQ last night!

Aww, people on the interwebs think about me :D

So I think my weightlifting class is going to be awesome. They have several chinup bars availale and I haven't had access to one in a while. I have fallen far from past chinup glory but will return! My best single set ever was 23. Right now I can do six (with attention to no kipping), but I think I can ratchet that up fairly quickly with regular attention.

On a down note: I had to take a Yoga class as it was the only class in an open time slot with applicable credit for my transfer, and as I feared, I am the only guy in the class. Day one and I've already had estrogen overload.

Fortunately it's only a two-day-a-week class.
Are you seriously complaining about being in a yoga class?

Or is this a "yoga for rehab/weight loss" thing and not yoga for yogis?

Are you seriously complaining about being in a yoga class?

Or is this a "yoga for rehab/weight loss" thing and not yoga for yogis?


This is a college Yoga class. Apparently you don't HAVE to even be able to perform any of it, just try and know the names of stuff. And yes I am complaining about it. My biggest complaint for this/next semester is most of the classes are just bullshit people are made to take to put enough butts in the seats to fund the instructors. Yoga as a college credit? Really? Only taking it because I have to.
Well THERE's a pic that's goin' in the ol' collection...

Workouts not bad on my end. Managed 315 for a couple sets of quick 3 on low box squats, a 255 Reeves deadlift (first time doing that), plus getting SERIOUSLY close to that damn muscle up. Scaled out at 210 today, hopefully I don't lose too much muscle on the way down to 200.
DOMS on the top and the bottom so I'm holding off until this afternoon.

$20 for 20 day passes to Gold's Gym on Groupon today! Snapped that right up.
Started resistance training last night. Squats, pull-ups and push-ups in a circuit 4 times around and finished with a two minute blast on the stair machine that nearly killed me. I totally suck so far but I'll get there.

It's funny watching all these people that go to the gym to walk slowly on a treadmill for an hour.
Those people walking slowly oughtta inspire you haha. Many of them do it because they are too out of shape to run (or they are just fucking lazy).

I don't know if it was from sleeping funny or something I did while working out, but I can't turn my head to the right...or pretty much move without it hurting something fierce. I know it's muscle related, but fuck it HURTS! Got one of them fancy heat pad things on now, hoping it starts to work soon...
Day 3 of workout class (really day 2 excluding the Orientation).

Finally got to hop on a treadmill for a few minutes, work on my pullups some more, and hit the bench. Also weighed in for start of class record

#1: Holy shit the scales tipped at 191 lbs. At 5'6 you would think I'd look like a blob with that weight but I don't. I thought I was like 175. Gotta trim the fat I do have.

#2: First set of pullup reps already up to 10 from 6. Back when I was busting out 20+ I only weighed 160-165, so 10 at 191 is not bad, and I think I can get back up to 20+ within a month.

#3: All these fresh-from-high-school-football guys were crowding the benchpress and working out with around 155. One guy took it to 185, and no one else went to touch it. I busted out a couple of sets at 185 (then ran out of time) and then suddenly all these dudes with 4-6 inches of height on me were suddenly interested in struggling under it......lolz

Gonna be a fun class.
Walking slowly on the treadmill is better than not walking at all, unless I'm impatiently waiting to use the treadmill myself. I don't get why you'd want to walk on a treadmill instead of walking in nature, but respect nonetheless.

Went for a 4 mile yog/run with PP last night after work. I had inadequate fuel in the tank and got all light-headed and weak, so it was a struggle but we made OK time - 37:55. Today I made it to the gym and increased my weights on bent-over row. Up to 45 pounds. I am starting to have trouble with my wrists/my calluses ripping, which is stupid. Then again I measured my wrist once and it was 4.75 inches. O_O

Overwatch - tee-hee we're almost the same height!
Did the final of my three free sessions with the trainer tonight. Flat out fat-burn. Squat jumps, burpees and side to side step-jump things on a raised platform one after the other as quick as possible. I felt like a complete retard and almost collapsed at the end of the second set.

Cardio is getting much better/easier though after only a week. Huzzah! Listening to metal on the bike helps.
I have/had been in the doldrums for most of 2012. I was being a silly sophomore with a lot of freedom and binged on beer, pot and food, with little exercise and motivation to do anything. I got my full-time job in April, and the influx of money and not knowing what to do after 5 PM just restarted this process. This is coming from a guy who participated in competitive sports for 6 years of his life [training for 3-4 hours a day] to losing any semblance of discipline in life.

Luckily I decided to stop being a bitch about a month ago and I've been working out almost every day, and I can really feel some big progress. I'm slowly increasing my resistance training [I only did push-ups earlier on] and I can feel the results again [though I'm months away from where I want to be]. I've been getting 100 push-ups down in 15 mins rather consistently lately paired with running 3 miles in ~27 mins.

I do the rudimentary lifting rather consistently, but any advice on the matter from our resident athletically-toned bastards would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I've started eating healthy as fuck and I'm trying to get consistency with type/time of meals everyday. I've also pretty drastically cut back on the drinking, though the pot is a wee bit of a problem [trying to resolve this by only rewarding myself after 1-2 hours of strenuous exercise].
Hell yeah, I dont know how people do vigorous cardio to anything else.

The other day I forgot I'd smoked some herb a few hours prior and had a GREAT stoned-workout and my soundtrack (to sprints and weights) was slow reggae.

20 minutes of cardio was all I managed today before work. My friend is in town from Japan, and carting her around is time consuming and she didn't bring gym clothes. I feel like I'm turning into minced ham.
For WL class today we were supposed to do a timed mile walk for "Pre Aerobic Evaluation" (lol) but it's raining AGAIN so we did the Strength pre-eval. This consisted of Bench, Curl, Lat Pulldown, Leg Curl, Leg Press at weights calculated off body weight in a single set done to burnout. I scored in the top percentile for the purpose of the class in everything but leg curls and the pull down, and Im not far off on those. So that's positive for the class itself.

I hate the leg press machine though (and this one is worse than most machines I've used), would rather squat. I was kind of surprised at a couple of the dudes that looked like they were in pretty good shape having trouble with the assigned weight.
Well it doesn't look radically different from any other leg press machine where you are pressing weights up. But something doesn't feel right, like the foot pad isn't the right angle/size or the seat isn't or something.