How is everyone's training going?

I slacked and haven't hit the weights in almost a month. Heading home to the coast for the next two months. Plan is to jog every morning and do as much kayaking as I can when it's high tide.
5k in 17:30 is wicked fast!!!

I ran 4 1/2 miles the other day in like, 45 minutes, but still lots of progress when I reconsider my roots. Funny to think about how the 12 minute run in high school would knock me out of commission for hours afterward.

Haven't lifted in 4 days, starting to feel squishy again. I'm getting nice butch looking arms (when I flex).
Fuck training. I can still do 53 pushups so I'm not bolloxed. I don't have any dumb bells here so I can't be bothered. Gyms are annoying. They tend to blast shit music so everyone has to turn their ipods up and there's always one single bench with a big group of bros sat around it being gay.
Yeah well, I used to do competitive cross-country skiing from age 10 to 17 so I have always had the right wiry build for mid- to long distance travelling. If you have some semblance of real muscles you'll have a hard time reaching those numbers.

I'm built more like a mini-fridge. :tickled:
Did weights for the first time in a year last week, otherwise, been doing nothing but yoga and trying to eat well.

I find weights are actually quite bad for your body in some ways. Sure you get strength, but it does the opposite of what yoga does to muscles: yoga lengthens, weights contract. Fucking catch 22. Still though, I'm pretty happy with how my body is going. I'm leaner than ever which is good for an old fart at age 36 like me.
Lifting is so much more fun than cardio! Had a nice time at the gym yesterday, though it really irritates me that I'm the only person who wipes off the sweaty machines. Also, gym bros who loiter too close for comfort and give me dirty looks when I change the weights from 500000000 to <100 lbs can suck cocks in hell.

I'm built like a fucking woman which sucks for weight training. My shoulders are so narrow in proportion to my hips; I'm trying to beef them up while doing lots of running and squatting to hack away at my legs. I have noticed my waist has gotten smaller, resulting in smaller pants.
I am noticing sleeves on shirts are getting tight. I don't want to be man shaped necessarily, just more balanced. A super mild hourglass shape would be ideal - nothing big or curvy on the top or the bottom, but much smaller in the middle.
I lost another pant size, not losing as quickly as I would like though. So tonight I am starting p90x, I know it is a 90 day super intense program...
I do not think I can commit to every single day, but I plan on doing what I can, anything will help. I think when MDF is done and I am home/recovered, I will shoot for the full 90 days.
We shall see!
Keep me updated on how that goes voilenoir!

I'm kind of clueless about what to eat. I figure I only lift 2 times a week and not very much (20 minutes about) - does that warrant eating moar protein? I've heard from various sources that you should shoot for your weight in kilograms for daily grams of protein. 58g doesn't seem like a lot though...
I would eat more protein after your workout. It helps the muscles you've just used. I just get a protein shake at the gym. I like the LEAN Muscle Milk, Vanilla.

Well I did the Day 1 video yesterday and all I have to say is DAMN!! That shit burns, but I can absolutely see why and how it transforms people. I am REALLY trying to stay motivated.
Sitting at work now, thinking about the gym tonight, I have to do it!
And we were talking about working out in MD, the tremont has a gym according to the website.
Muscle Milk brand shakes do taste good, but they are loaded with some unhealthy garbage in the mix. I prefer purity in my supplements. When I buy protein or creatine I buy in bulk (for serious savings) and I buy NOW Foods brand.

Radisson has a gym too!

Haven't worked out since Wednesday but there was no way I was getting up at 7 to hit the gym after Trailer Park Boys night.

I'm horrendously addicted to protein/energy bars. Sugar alcohols give me wet farts so I'll have a Balance bar a couple times a week to double as dessert/pick-me-up before or after a run/the jim.
I'll have to check out some othe shakes then!
I worked out this morning after lagging a bit. It was great!
I think working out in the morning is my new thing.
I did more weight training today mainly targeting my core which is the area I am the most unhappy with. I also weighe myself and I lost .2 pounds. That pissed me off because I feel like I have made SO many changes. But it's fine, I'm hoping the p90x will help pull me out of this slump.
Slight change for today on my press.

Did 4x5 of 190, then replaced my last set of 5 reps with 190 with 5x1 of increasing weights in 5s (195,200,205,210,215). Did all without a spot.

Tried to finish out jumping to 225 for a final rep. Needed a spot but knocked it out. Pretty pumped.
I enjoy using HammerStrength machines when I have no spotter. I don't know if you have them in our gym but they are quite amazing. But free weights accomplish much more.

Doing my second week of back work outs with my buddy/boss tomorrow. He had me sore as fuck after last week. Deadlifts, rows, chin ups/pull ups, lat pull downs, and some lower back machine. Hopefully I fare better tomorrow though. I have 2 crushed vertebrae in my lower back, so I have to start pretty light. Only did 135 on deadlifts last week, but want to slowly work up. Gonna do 155 for two sets tomorrow...