How is everyone's training going?

I'm a supplement junkie, but I take them to maintain my health, not so much to improve performance. Here's what I use every day:

Vitamin C
St. John's Wort
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil
Gingko biloba

Thinking of adding extracts of stinging nettles and saffron. I've also thought of looking into natural supplements to boost testosterone.
Totally smashed my workout tonight. It's still hard as fuck to do, but recovery times are getting less and less and I've upped my cardio training again. FUCK YEAH BRAH

I'm a supplement junkie, but I take them to maintain my health, not so much to improve performance. Here's what I use every day:

Vitamin C
St. John's Wort
Milk Thistle
Fish Oil
Gingko biloba

Thinking of adding extracts of stinging nettles and saffron. I've also thought of looking into natural supplements to boost testosterone.

Holy shit dude. You take all of those every day? I only take that sort of stuff when I've had a big weekend and feel like my body needs some good stuff to make me feel human again. Surely taking all of that every day can't be good, can it?
I'm curious, do you take any kind of supplements or just eat pretty healthy? Like creatine or protein shakes or anything?

Just multivitamins. I've been prone to the "wahhhs" lately so I make sure I get a lot of Vitamin D. My diet is really healthy in general and moderate-low carb. I had this for dinner:


Looks like vomit but is pure protein (would be more if I hadn't run out of meat) and vegetables. And has dumplings. Win!

I had a great run after work actually, 3.3 miles in 28:05 which puts me closer to my goal of running a 25 minute 5K (3.1 miles). This morning HIIT on the elliptical almost killed me but I didn't die.
When I was making more money I took a lot more supplements. Currently I'm down to the absolutely minimal basics: Vit D/B , Large C doses, Cal/Mag and occasionally Fish Oil.
For bench I did 5 sets of 5 with 205 yesterday, I'm pretty happy about that, assuming all keeps going well I'll be doing 225 in a couple weeks. Always nice when I get back to repping that. I think I'm going to start doing clean & jerks on Fridays to get some legs into my routine besides just biking. Not this Friday though, its my birthday so I will be drinking instead.
Added overhead presses into the grind. So fun and I'm SO WEAK. Well, the only way to get stronger is to keep at it...
Got home from work early today and ate an awesome lunch full of fresh awesome things and then downed a bunch of vitamins that my housemate gave me and I've felt like absolute shit for the rest of the day. Went to gym hoping it would make me feel better but no.
I made a MONSTER salad, probably 700-800 calories for lunch. For dinner I ate like a pound of meat, half a bag of potato chips, a shit ton of pasta salad, and somehow am lighter than I was yesterday. This always happens.

Pleasantly sore from introducing overhead press. Will go at it again tomorrow.
Back to smashing it today. Up, down, good, shit, blah. I've stopped weighing myself because I weighed more again.

Edit: Just weighed myself. Less. Down to 91. Wooo?
And I'm sick as fuck. Bleh. No gym today.

Hit a 225 push press yesterday. That was nice.
I have been swamped @ work and didn't get to eat until now. Dunno if I'll make it to gym tonight but I did agree to go to an 8 am class tomorrow at Gold's Gay Fitness Center For Fat People.
I have eaten such total shit this week. During the night I stick to my diet but when I get home I slam some beer and crave fast food. Ugh. I think it's time to quit drinking.
For bench I did 5 sets of 5 with 205 yesterday, I'm pretty happy about that, assuming all keeps going well I'll be doing 225 in a couple weeks. Always nice when I get back to repping that. I think I'm going to start doing clean & jerks on Fridays to get some legs into my routine besides just biking. Not this Friday though, its my birthday so I will be drinking instead.

I used to start at 225, hurt my shoulder pitching, and for like a year have been stuck at 205. I'm not sure what's going on.