How is everyone's training going?

Had best ever workout last night. Felt like shit before I went but as soon as I got into it I felt like I could go forever. Did flat out fat burn, plank, cardio on the bike, then did a solid 6 minutes on the rowing machine (usually do 2 minute 500 metre bursts but this time did 1200 metres non-stop) which I usually end with, but instead I kept going and tried the dreaded stair machine. Did 10 minutes on the fucker! The first week I tried it and almost died after 2 mins. RESULTS AND SHIT

Definitely feeling thinner. Had to do my belt up another notch today at work because my pants were falling down.
Lol got a concerned message from a friend who said I looked "cancer patient skinny." Disheartening considering the fact that I eat super well balanced (maintenance calories + nutritious stuff) and like, actually feel good about myself and am getting jacked and shit.

Do men do this shit? "YOU'RE WASTING AWAY" umm no I'm not.

Anyway, 5 mile hike in the woods today with PP, went for a terrible mountain jog yesterday and lifted weights after.
I was dragging all last week. Apparently the cause is gone because I felt great this morning and made some gains in several areas.

@Laura: Men don't do that stuff generally. In the military though, or around lifters comments might be made about noodley arms etc.
I hate my work schedule (as in, there's really never a set schedule). I had to go in 2 hours early yesterday, so I didn't get to the gym. Then I stayed over so long today that By the time I fell asleep I had about 6 hours before I had to be back, so no gym today either. UGH.
Yikes. I admit a big benefit of my job is I make my own schedule (independent contractor, I can take off whenever, I just don't get paid for time off, LOL), and can often work from home. Pretty easy to squeeze gym time in.

So today I decided to make up my own crossfit WOD. I do it a lot actually, but here was today's:

Start a stopwatch. Do five axle presses at 1x bodyweight (clean it off the floor for the first rep), rest for the remainder of the first 30 seconds. At the 30sec mark, do five strict chins, then rest until the first minute is up. Repeat for ten total rounds in ten minutes. 50 reps a pop.
Yikes. I admit a big benefit of my job is I make my own schedule (independent contractor, I can take off whenever, I just don't get paid for time off, LOL), and can often work from home. Pretty easy to squeeze gym time in.

I work nights plus I work 12 hour shifts (sometimes up to 16 hours). And I rarely get more than 4 or 5 days of in a given blows.
I have been eating at a slight caloric deficit the past couple days and am feeling weak as fuck in the gym. WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH?!!!!
I've been snow skiing all week and fucking hell it's a good work out. My legs are so conditioned that I feel like I could run a marathon, and my arms are sore as fuck.
I think I am going to give up trying to be skinny and just get huge.

Good incomplete workout this morning. Fucking renegade rows!

-3 x 5 barbell overhead press, bar + 25 lbs
-1 x 10 dumbbell overhead press, 2 x 15 lbs
-50 renegade rows using 20 lb, then 25 lb dumbbells, did it right this time - OUCH
-5 x 5 dumbbell bent over row, 50 lbs (YEAH d_t I'm catching up to you, get scared)
-5 x 5 lat pulldown, 100, 90, 100, 90, 100 lbs
-3 x 8 seated bench press machine, 90, 100, 90 lbs
Decided I will start working on bench presses again. It's the only exercise I haven't improved on (I typically don't have a spotter, so I've been doing dumb bell presses for months. My buddy and I have started working chest and back at least together though, so yay! Spotter!). I started today. Easily did 15 reps at 135, could have done more. Got 5 at 185, then tried 205 just to see, but couldn't get it up. Sucked.
Ughhh got interrupted at the gym yesterday by some middle aged dude hitting on me. Seriously rule #2 of gym etiquette after "don't sit yapping on equipment that someone is waiting to use" is "leave people the fuck alone, they're trying to concentrate." Also, "the gym should not be some place to pick up at."

After this weekend I wouldn't be surprised if I put on 2 pounds of fat. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck
I can understand wanting to flirt with a good looking chick in the gym, but not when they're in the middle of their workout. Rude. There's this middle aged woman (not necessarily unattractive, but could use more strenuous workouts, HA!) that comes in and blatantly hits on one of my buddies in there. He's a very well built, good looking dude and I get that. But he's well built because he comes in and trains hard. Plus, that chick's married. It's kinda sickening to watch her. Ha.

Also, more gym edicate:

The squat rack is for squats or for loading the bar for deadlifts. Not curls. This douche was in the gym last week and starting doing curls on the squat rack just before I was going to start deadlifts. Fucked my whole routine up (I typically do dumb bell rows then deadlifts before lat pull downs or t-bar rows or whatever). What an asshole.

Also: Don't fucking hog equipment. This black dude came in on our back day and was using the lat pull down machine. For 45 minutes. Every possible pull down he could do he did, so we never had a chance to use it and that was fucking irritating. How many fucking sets do you need, dickwad?
I feel like me and my buddies hog the bench every Monday, we're doing a 5 sets of 5 program, and there's three of us. It usually takes at least a half hour with warm ups and everything, I do around 4 or 5 warm up sets before my 5 heavy sets.
I ran 5 miles in 45 minutes today, which is fast by my standards. There's a 4.78 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and I want to do that in 42 minutes or less. Should be doable.