How is everyone's training going?

3.24mi in 28:34. Not bad considering some GNARLY hills on the path. Coulda easily gotten it in under 25mi otherwise. Shit my best mile time is 6:20 currently I could definitely pace at 7-ish for 3-5 miles.
epic motivational video to hit the gym!

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I have boobs and I'm a guy. Gross.

Had a fantasic weekend of lifting. Personal bests of 365 on deadlift and 205 on bench. YAY!

Hope I can continue with the gains I'm making.

Had an Arby's Turkey club thing they just came out with. SOOOOOOO FUCKING DELICIOUS!
All bruised up from doing a shitload of log work yesterday, did some hill sprints today so I'm gonna be really hurtin' tomorrow, just in time for even more overhead work, haha.
I'm going to focus on starvation instead of gym progress for the next month.
Just BARELY missed a 225 push press, guh. Made up for it with 205x3 and 185x6 then some random dumbbell work. Still kinda peeved.
PP weighs about 220 and just thinking about pressing him makes my lower back twitch.

Feeling LAAAAZY but I should go to the gym bc I'm not doing anything else. hungfff
PP weighs about 220 and just thinking about pressing him makes my lower back twitch.

Feeling LAAAAZY but I should go to the gym bc I'm not doing anything else. hungfff


Screen cap of my failure. :(

Why do you have yourself on camera for all of your workouts?

Tomorrow is back day. I will actually get sleep beforehand so I'm shooting for 365 again for deadlifts. YEAAAAAAH BOOOOY!
I suck. Been shooting for a moderate caloric deficit all week and as a result am too sore and tired to have any kind of success in the gym. FAIL. I'm supposed to run 5 miles to a diner with PP tomorrow but I might die.
Reppin with 205 now. Hell yeah. I suppose I might gain strength faster if I started supping and chowing down on more protein but it just doesn't seem convenient with my current schedule etc.
Why do you have yourself on camera for all of your workouts?

Tomorrow is back day. I will actually get sleep beforehand so I'm shooting for 365 again for deadlifts. YEAAAAAAH BOOOOY!

Form analysis. When I recorded that video I noticed that I had the bar a few inches too far forward and it fucked up my lockout, which is probably why I missed it. I needed to throw my head in between my arms and get it over my head instead of over my collarbone.

Plus, when all of your successes and failures are documented, you'd be AMAZED how much that motivates you not to get lazy, plus it forces you to acknowledge whether or not what you're doing is working.
Fair enough. I have a very experienced friend that I workout with that critiques my shortcomings in both form and boob size. Ha! Nah, he actually knows what he's doing and has helped me improve in form, strength, and motivation in quite a fantastic way.

Ass. Because cursing is cool.