How is everyone's training going?

Lifting and fitness has been taking a back seat to not eating enough because of work stress. I have lost a couple pounds. I've been to the gym every day but it's been...lackluster and I've been slacking on protein.

Seriously consider a protein shake, creatine, and BCCA's. And a pre-workout drink. I use Assault. I think you could benefit from all of them.
I feel like I've hit a bit of a wall with training. I was getting mad results to begin with, now it's slowed down even though I'm doing more and eating better. I feel way fitter, but I want more weight loss now dammit. Booked a session with the trainer for later this week. We'll see what happens.
A trainer won't make you lose weight, figure out your basal metabolic rate and eat below that. But if you're not overweight it ain't gonna happen quick. I've been trying (ok not really trying) to lose the last 5 pounds for months. I hit 122 lb/55 kg the other day which was exciting and alarming at the same time.
A trainer won't make you lose weight

Well I saw him today and he had lots of advice and pointed out some bad habits that I've gotten into with my training such as trying to do things like the row machine for as long as I can instead of upping the intensity of the bursts. He upped my program with a whole bunch of new exercises that I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into. He also mentioned not to worry too much about when things slow down and to really dig my heels in and keep at it instead of feeling frustrated with it all. All good stuff I guess. I just want what remains of this gut/manboobery combo to fuck off now goddammit.

figure out your basal metabolic rate and eat below that.

I can't get into counting calories and kilojoules. I just can't. My theory is that if I eat well with lots of protein for breakfast and lunch and eat smaller portions for dinner (ie. don't eat until I'm stupidly full), then this shit should work.
I ate like total shit all weekend, woke up with "carb mouth" and drank alcohol like 6 days in a row (with pizza and extra meals after drinking). So today I manned up and ran 7 miles hung over on an empty stomach, and now I am eating chicken and raw vegetables. Back to normal tomorrow, provided I don't die in a hurricane or something.
rms should write a book about exercise and nutrition and sell it for money!

Hurricane = working from home. I got in a full hour of lifting at the jim this morning. Eating salad with a ton of chicken and eggs. I'm baaaack!
Definitely fishing for an argument here.

Don't make ridiculous statements if you don't want a rebuttal. I see that shit on FB a lot. People make a contentious and arrogantly phrased statement and then act all indignant when someone calls them on it.
I never implied all calories were equal, I just said you could balance it out with enough cardio. But i'm sure you're bored and want to talk about stupid shit.
Just doing cardio is stupid, even mainstream women's health magazines have moved beyond that.

My entire body is one huge pile of DOMS. I like it!
eat whatever you want and just do need to be a lamer and worry about what you eat

You really aren't the kinda person to be doling out advice like that.

Today's workout: pair of Crossfit WODs. Main one was Fran. 21-15-9 circuit of 95lb thrusters and pullups. Finished in 4:48. Nearly died. Pretty proud.