How is everyone's training going?

Hey, it happens. The body isn't a perfect machine, sometimes you just need to take a breather. I took a week off about two weeks back. Just too run down.
So I didn't get that massage because stuff came up and I was stressed out/on the verge of tears and know I wouldn't have enjoyed it. I also ate shit and didn't go to the gym. Awesome!
All right you chest worker-outers, I need some tips or new ideas or something. I just haven't seen any improvement in my flat-barbell-bench in awhile and what are your guys suggestions? I'm thinking of upping my protein intake once this tub is empty..3 scoops instead of 2 after a workout and today just tried out doing some close hand/different hand grip bench press after my entire routine...anything else?

My routine for chest day is already;

flat bench barbell
decline bench barbell
incline bench dumbbells
flat bench dumbbells
cable flies(flys?)

Already started a good back and shoulder routine and hasn't done anything for me...and I do legs after I finish my chest workout so don't offer those suggestions please.
I liked my 5x5 program including squats. Looks to me like you might be overworking your chest, which could build endurance but limit strength gains. I can't say for sure without knowing reps.
Yeah there's no need to do four different bench variations unless you're a) way overdoing it or b) not doing much per exercise. You wanna blow up size-wise? Try doing a 10x10 on flat barbell bench and that's all. 10x10 with a single weight. Do it on any lift and get back to me after a month or so. Size and strength? 5x5 like OW said. Strength? 5/3/1 is great.
So let's say a female lost her (already nonexistent) boobs in the Great Body Fat Reduction of 2012. Would flat barbell bench puff up the pecs and make them appear bigger, or would it just result in having to buy bigger bra band sizes?
I liked my 5x5 program including squats. Looks to me like you might be overworking your chest, which could build endurance but limit strength gains. I can't say for sure without knowing reps.

Yeah there's no need to do four different bench variations unless you're a) way overdoing it or b) not doing much per exercise. You wanna blow up size-wise? Try doing a 10x10 on flat barbell bench and that's all. 10x10 with a single weight. Do it on any lift and get back to me after a month or so. Size and strength? 5x5 like OW said. Strength? 5/3/1 is great.

I try to average 4 sets per with at least 6-8 reps, more if I feel good. I go up weight and less reps when i'm trying to seek improvements..but no luck yet.

10x10? 10 sets 10 reps? I don't really care about appearance, I want the actual strength. What about working the minor muscles in your shoulders via incline/decline vs. barbells? Doesn't seem like a great workout...and that would probably take like 25 minutes to do just one exercise haha
That's the thing. The shoulders ain't minor muscles. You wanna get them built up, have yourself a day of overhead pressing. Doing incline/decline isn't going to do a helluva lot that either of the above wouldn't. Like another said, if you really want strength, do something like a 5x5 or 5/3/1. That's a great program.

Today did a fucking killer circuit. 21-15-9 of squats, deadlifts, box jumps, bodyweight on the bar for the first two. Managed the sets of 21 with 195 on squats and pulls without a break, but needed to take a breather during the sets of 15. Sets of 9 went through unbroken.
So let's say a female lost her (already nonexistent) boobs in the Great Body Fat Reduction of 2012. Would flat barbell bench puff up the pecs and make them appear bigger, or would it just result in having to buy bigger bra band sizes?

I would hazard a guess at no, they wouldn't look bigger, but if by chance they did, they'd look more like pecs than boobs.

Implant time. ;)