How is everyone's training going?

Ran a buddy through a hell circuit today. 225x5 deadlifts and 10 box jumps done at 30sec intervals. So deadlifts at 0:00, jumps at 0:30, deadlifts at 1:00, jumps at 1:30, up to ten minutes. If 30 seconds passed and you couldn't get the reps, it was 5 burpees afterwards per rep missed. Lotta fun.
I got 365 again on deadlifts today. Fuck yeah. We also did seated rows on the HammerStrength machine instead of dumb bell rows. Then lat pull downs, seated cable rows, and smith machine shrugs super-setted with t-bar shrugs. Killer workout.

EDIT: We also jammed some Jerry's Kids, Goatwhore, and Black Sabbath while lifting. Fucking amazing.
Well we go to a pretty small gym, not very popular, but it's actually a ggod gym. But on the weekends the owner's wife works Saturday and his mom works Sunday and they have trouble turning on the music, so my buddy and I went halves on an iPod dock to blast good music. Usually we're alone in there on weekends. Today there were two dudes that work for the same plant as us there and our buddy who is a sheriff, and they were all like HELLZ YEAH FOR ROCKING OUT MOTHER FUCK ASS DICK BALLZ...

I exaggerated the end, but yeah.
Haha. Mine is kind of a "hardcore" gym (I hate that word, but eh). It's all bars, plates, dumbbells and strongman equipment with a few little cardio machines tucked in the back. The stereo has a Sirius radio that's usually on Octane, Liquid Metal occasionally, and there's an aux cable dangling off of it so we can hook up iPods and whatnot.

Even better, it's a 24 hour gym with a keypad entry so it's not unusual to be there totally alone with death metal blaring out of the speakers all around the room.
Haha. Mine is kind of a "hardcore" gym (I hate that word, but eh). It's all bars, plates, dumbbells and strongman equipment with a few little cardio machines tucked in the back. The stereo has a Sirius radio that's usually on Octane, Liquid Metal occasionally, and there's an aux cable dangling off of it so we can hook up iPods and whatnot.

Even better, it's a 24 hour gym with a keypad entry so it's not unusual to be there totally alone with death metal blaring out of the speakers all around the room.

Mine has all the powerlifting essentials, a variety of dumb bells, hammer strength and Nautical equipment, a room for spin class, racquet ball, basketball, and a room of stationary bikes, elipticals and treadmills. Not a huge place, but comfy and familiar.

When they do play music (weekdays) it is through Pandora, I believe. Liquid metal would be a welcome change.
Went hard yesterday and again today. Fit into size 2 dresses and pants yesterday. If I shrink any more I won't be able to go shopping at normal stores.
Grats to all the achievers and overachievers. Hit 210 today, four reps to finish out the bench sets, unassisted. Prob could have gone 215.
I broke my personal record for deadlifts couple days ago. :D
625x2 reps

THERE we are! Was wonderin' where some of the powerhouses of UM were hiding. Knew y'all had to be out there.

My scrawny ass managed three sets of 225x3 power cleans plus a push press at the end of the first two sets. PRs all around since I'm normally totally shit at cleans.
I don't lift a lot. Maybe once or twice a week. Mostly I just swim a ton. I always try and keep track of the distance I've gone, but usually space out and forget. But after two months of consistently swimming 4-5 times a week I'm probably in the best shape of my life.
All right so I think I tweaked my back today doing barbell rows. Not going to do those for awhile.

I need a new exercise in the routine though, what do you guys suggest? I am already doing;

t bar row
lat pulldowns
Do some shrugs and seated cable rows, if you really feel you need to add anything. I also rather like stiff arm lat pull downs (I often super-set them with regular lat pulldowns).
Lifting and fitness has been taking a back seat to not eating enough because of work stress. I have lost a couple pounds. I've been to the gym every day but it's been...lackluster and I've been slacking on protein.