How is everyone's training going?

Also, more gym edicate:

The squat rack is for squats or for loading the bar for deadlifts. Not curls. This douche was in the gym last week and starting doing curls on the squat rack just before I was going to start deadlifts. Fucked my whole routine up (I typically do dumb bell rows then deadlifts before lat pull downs or t-bar rows or whatever). What an asshole.

Also: Don't fucking hog equipment. This black dude came in on our back day and was using the lat pull down machine. For 45 minutes. Every possible pull down he could do he did, so we never had a chance to use it and that was fucking irritating. How many fucking sets do you need, dickwad?

Preach it brotha
The squat rack is for squats or for loading the bar for deadlifts. Not curls. This douche was in the gym last week and starting doing curls on the squat rack just before I was going to start deadlifts. Fucked my whole routine up (I typically do dumb bell rows then deadlifts before lat pull downs or t-bar rows or whatever). What an asshole.

Also: Don't fucking hog equipment. This black dude came in on our back day and was using the lat pull down machine. For 45 minutes. Every possible pull down he could do he did, so we never had a chance to use it and that was fucking irritating. How many fucking sets do you need, dickwad?

Lol frat-curlers.
I want to get up to 200lbs. I bought 2 dozen eggs yesterday, salami, a pizza, milk for protein shakes, snack bars, beans, and soup. Hopefully I'll pack on a couple pounds this week, I've been hovering around like 194 with shoes/gym clothes, so probably am actually like 191/2.
I want to get down to a trim 115 or its equivalent in lean body mass but without losing muscle (125 today). I still don't understand how this works.

Serjeant Grumbles, please don't post photos of me without my permission - thanks
I'd like to get down to about 190. Ugh. 19 more pounds to go!

Had a heavy bicep workout today, followed by squats and leg extensions.

I think I will start squatting twice a week. I didn't do much with legs when I started lifting, so they are way behind everything else.
Back day tomorrow! Haven't done it the last couple weeks so it will be interesting to see where I'm at. Gotta get that back huge so I can look like the menacing villain in someguydude's avatar :p
Smashed my workout tonight. I love the feeling of having supermega fuel in the tank. Did personal bests on everything. Had to contain myself from running out of there punching the air and screaming HELLS YEAH BRAH.
I'm going to be glad when the tendons in my feet/legs finally get used to this "barefoot" running. Only running about 3/4 mile 3 times a week right now, but I still haven't felt like the tendons and maybe the bones of the feet are ready to progress. I guess they didn't get in this lack of shape overnight, gonna take a while for them to get used to it.
It's definitely not the easiest. HOw long you been at it? It was probably a month or so before I wasn't getting shin pains.
I'm feeling pretty pooped. Still sore from Monday's workout actually. But today I did
Bent over row- 4 sets of 5 with 185
after each set immediately do a set of 5-10 reps of shrugs with the same weight
Lat pulldown- 4 sets with 180, reps varied from 10-5
and then we did like 4 sets of sprints

I definitely need to start sleeping more, I've been really tired lately. And I weighed about 195 today.. but I had just eaten a shitload like an hour before. I also pooped right before so that's not a factor.
Rows are a funny exercise. The more I get into exercise, the lighter I end up going on 'em.
Some days I love them, other days I hate them. Yesterday was a love day, the 185 felt surprisingly light. There were people in the only good spot to do T-Bar rows so we had to skip that :/ But I just woke up and my whole body is aching so I must have done something right. Leftover steak and instant coffee for breakfast!
There is no greater irony than doing Arnold presses with 15 pound dumbbells and getting tired, fail. Oh well, gotta start somewhere. PP pointed out a bulging vein in my shoulder yesterday while we were bowling and made another comment about how I look "jacked" so I am doing something right. We ran a little under 4 miles in the misty rain after work yesterday and it was awful, I felt like a wet asthmatic cat in the humid air!
Shoulders and triceps today. Usually I do tris/bis together, but I changed it up this week. Did bis/legs Tues, and shoudlers/tris today. I can't do really heavy shoulder workouts cuz it hurts my left shoulder, so I just do high reps and supersets.

Also been doing traps twice a weeks (on shoulder and back days). They are starting to look like they exist finally. RAWR!
2kms on the rowing machine tonight. POW SMASH. Saw my PT for the first time in about 3 weeks and he told me I look 'noticeably thinner'.