How is everyone's training going?

I made a MONSTER salad, probably 700-800 calories for lunch. For dinner I ate like a pound of meat, half a bag of potato chips, a shit ton of pasta salad, and somehow am lighter than I was yesterday. This always happens.

Wish that happened to me, of course it's different when you're eating awful fast food instead of high calorie meals that still have nutritional value.

Also, I'm to the point now where I don't even get sore anymore lol really. Only time that happens is when I do my circuits.
Finally got past 315 on deadlifts. Got two reps of 345. Fucking felt great. My buddy showed off with 405 though. Haha. Then we did some lat pull downs, standing straight arm pull downs, dumb bell rows, t-bar rows, and two different shrug exercises. 2 hour workout.
Nice job on the deadlifts dude! Are you using a straight bar or a hex bar? I always used a hex bar in high school, it was pretty sweet. I think I got up to doing sets of like 6 or 8 with 335 or something like that.
Today was a great day for running. I ran 6.9 miles/11 km outside and it is a fucking gorgeous perfect day out. Goodbye hangover. Did it in 1:04 which I realize isn't going to win any races, but I could still knock out 10K in under an hour which is sort of encouraging.

The stupid part is I lost my car key somewhere in there and ended up adding on almost 6 more miles looking for it/saying fuck it and walking back from the bike path to my apartment.
Just a straight bar. But my buddy and I are going to go halves on a hex bar since there isn't one in our gym.
Sweet dude. I like the hex bar a lot, not as much strain on your lower back n such. You'll probably be able to do more methinks. I think the highest I've gotten with straight bar was repping 225, but I can't remember for sure. I'm pretty stoked to work out this week, start doing those clean and jerks hopefully.
Hit 15 pullups today and bumped my warmup speed to "8.5" on the treadmill. Calves still getting used to it (not to mention arches). Inched benching up to 195.
5 weeks into new regimen and I feel noticeably better. Doing more everything at gym now, even when I'm feeling not as energetic. Will have to see the trainer again next week or the week after.

I'm going snow skiing for three days next week for the first time in years, and I'm glad my legs are somewhat prepped, otherwise I'd be unable to work for a few days after I reckon.
destroyed myself yesterday on the trails.
Hit a 2" stick, wheel slid out, handlebars turned and I flew over them.
must have landed on my right knee because it's sore as shit right now.
continued to ride and was completely drained of any energy.
Lets see. Hit a mile wearing a 45lb vest in 7:40. Got an unweighted mile under 6:30. Today did a horrid circuit of max reps deadlift with 275 for 30sec, rest 30sec, max burpees for 30sec, rest 30sec, six rounds, and then afterwards got a set of 8 handstand pushups.

Things are goin' pretty good, LOL.
Overhead press is the fucking worst. After being stuck at 80 for a while I've dropped down to 65 and I'm gonna work back up. Stupid overhead.
I was almost up to 2 plates on my deadlift but I'm dropping down a bit to work on form so I don't fuck up my back. It's just a week or two. Finally doing a full plate on my squats on sunday, pretty happy about that. I'm still lifting fuck all, but I'm already starting to see results. By the time I get to a respectable work weight I'm gonna look like a fucking beast.