How is everyone's training going?

The holidays are killing me but I'm kind of giving myself "artistic license" to gain a couple pounds and not feel bad about it. Maybe I'll call it a bulking cycle lololol.
I think my buddy and I might be overdoing it the last couple weeks. We usually hit every body part once, then maybe chest twice. We've been doing chest and back together and hitting everything twice the last couple weeks, and we are both drained.

However, I decided to try pressing 80 pound dumb bells today. 8 reps. I think I underestimate my strength sometimes.
FUCKED my back squatting today and am eating ibuprofen like candy. SO MUCH FOR GETTING RIGHT BACK INTO THINGS. I am normally between 123-125 and I was 129.6 this morning. I love the holidays!
Weighed myself today expecting to weigh more, but I weigh less. 85 kilos LIKE A BOSS. That's 11 kilos I've lost now.
This week off lifting feels like a fucking eternity but I don't wanna fuck around with my spine. Elliptical and walking is so boring! Doctor's appointment tomorrow to look at it.
Hahaha, no, just about 5. I hover in the 195-200 area these days, kinda stagnated. But on the other hand, my strength is higher than it was at 240. :p
I recently went to the gym (mind you never stepped foot in a gym in all 22 years of my life) and went hard on every thing (bicycle, inner and outter thigh machine, treadmill, stair master, abc coaster etc etc) and came out unable to walk. Thus, my training began and stopped the same day. It'd be nice to do this consistently without feeling like I will die afterwards though.
Sorry, bud! The way exercise works is when you can do a workout without feeling dead after, you make it harder! LOL
You can not push yourself that hard and still be reasonably ok looking from an aesthetic standpoint. It depends on what you're going for!

I had a kind of shitty workout tonight. Too hungry. It seems like what and when I eat has little to no impact on how things will go at the gym.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the no. 1 mistake people make when deciding they wanna start exercising. Baby steps is the way to go.

Edit: I'm finding form again at gym after weeks of feeling shit. It's weird how this stuff goes in waves.
It depends how out of shape you are, krampus circa 2009 would have literally died trying to jog at 5 mph for 5 minutes!