How is everyone's training going?

I haven't done any weightlifting since July, but have been running a few miles almost every day since August. Will have to combine the two in the campus fitness center when it get freezing cold here next semester. I want to look less like a track runner and more like a Greek statue again.
Haha, I'm just happy the bar didn't roll out from under me and make me bust my face open.
I'm really hoping to compete in a Crossfit competition in January. Gotta really push the envelope!
Thanks! Busted out a 4 minute Fran and then ran a quick 2.5mi. Not an especially long day, but I'm hoping to get my training system kinda honed down.
I am a fucking moron for not realizing that funeral doom/slow-mo stoner post-metal is THE BEST genre to run/cardio to. Oh man. Time flies when you're drowning in a sea of negativity.

Put away probably 4-5,000 calories at an all you can eat sushi/seafood/Japanese buffet yesterday. I look jacked-up today but not in the sausage fingers/bloat belly way. Someone paint me orange and enter me in "Miss Lazypants Universe!"
That's actually a damn good idea for like a long run! You kinda drift off into a haze and next thing you know it's an hour later.

If you're at all into electronic music, Author & Punisher is a weird-as-fuck doom/dubstep combo that'd be fantastic for cardio. I swear it's not some lame ass Skrillex bullshit, it's just bass-heavy hypnotic electronic music with a massive doom/drone influence.

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Yeah dude what the fuck is all that shit? The music is sweet. But I don't know what all that hullabaloo is that he's playing around on is.
Holy shit!

That is pretty awesome. I'm not sure how this would translate to cardio for me personally (too much rhythmic jerkiness) but it's pretty neat.
come work at sea and the word 'training' will conveniently disappear from your vocabulary entirely.Just out of curiosity what do y'all train for anyway,vanity?impressing the opposite sex perhaps?boxing?generally only sportsmen and women 'train' as far as I know.
Yeah dude what the fuck is all that shit? The music is sweet. But I don't know what all that hullabaloo is that he's playing around on is.

Those are the instruments, actually. What you're watching is him performing that song in real-time. The dude's a robotics engineer and wanted a way to actually perform the music rather than just firing up a laptop. It's all stainless steel, no less, so it's actually HEAVY and difficult to move. Crazy, right?

Also, on the training side of things, I'd really like it if my damn hip would stop popping all the time.
Those are the instruments, actually. What you're watching is him performing that song in real-time. The dude's a robotics engineer and wanted a way to actually perform the music rather than just firing up a laptop. It's all stainless steel, no less, so it's actually HEAVY and difficult to move. Crazy, right?

that's pretty awesome, mega props to that dude.

On a different note, this semester is almost over, which means I'll have time to lift again!