How is everyone's training going?

LOL not pounds, poods. I think the conversion is that I have a 35lb, a 52lb, and a 75lb kettlebell. I'd like to have the 105, also, but that didn't come with the set.
My gym has an official strongman team, and what's hilarious is the guy who holds a national record in the axle press is also a nurse. Another also works in the hospital. Me, I have two degrees and work in the oil&gas business (and not on a rig, mind). We ain't idiots, we just take our gym time very seriously.

I use nearly zero machines and 100% believe that the best results are from moving shit in real space. You want to improve yourself? I can get you in the best shape of your life if you're not afraid of putting some blood and elbow grease into it. Hell I could get you full workouts with nothing but a barbell and plates. No other equipment.

If you want to jog and do all that other shit, fine. That's your bag. But I hate Planet Fucking Fitness with its lunk alarms (which I've set off before) and its whole anti-"meathead" bullshit.

I had to google lunk alarm. That sounds fucking ridiculous. My gym has nothing like that, and I've heard no 'anti-meathead bullshit' from anyone at my gym either. In fact one of the reasons I chose my gym is because there's a huge variety of people there.

The trainer I've used is huge on no-machine workouts and most of the stuff he's got me doing doesn't require machines. Do you really think I'm not improving myself here? Can you not concede that these "bullshit fitness centres" work for some people?

The meatheads at my gym are meatheads. Pure and simple. I doubt one of them has a degree in anything. They spend all their time there doing bicep curls and grunting and admiring themselves in the mirror and hurrr hurrr hurring. If your gym is full of rocket scientists, great. Maybe we can stop hurling generalisations at each other. ;)
I had to google lunk alarm. That sounds fucking ridiculous. My gym has nothing like that, and I've heard no 'anti-meathead bullshit' from anyone at my gym either. In fact one of the reasons I chose my gym is because there's a huge variety of people there.

The trainer I've used is huge on no-machine workouts and most of the stuff he's got me doing doesn't require machines. Do you really think I'm not improving myself here? Can you not concede that these "bullshit fitness centres" work for some people?

The meatheads at my gym are meatheads. Pure and simple. I doubt one of them has a degree in anything. They spend all their time there doing bicep curls and grunting and admiring themselves in the mirror and hurrr hurrr hurring. If your gym is full of rocket scientists, great. Maybe we can stop hurling generalisations at each other. ;)

LOL I think the issue here is we're making bad assumptions on one another. So it's a deal, my bad! I was just in a mood, kinda projecting shit.
"pood" is the unit of weight measurement for kettlebells. i forget exactly how much a pood is. it's a russian/soviet thing if i recallreclackclack.

I was thinking that it's funny how 2 years ago I was at the same body weight but a bigger clothing size and I trying to eat < 1400 calories a day and never got enough protein or fat. And 1 year ago I was almost 15 pounds heavier because the whole "long term calorie/nutrient deprivation" thing has a tendency to backfire on itself.
LOL I think the issue here is we're making bad assumptions on one another. So it's a deal, my bad! I was just in a mood, kinda projecting shit.

Cool. I've just noticed that we have Planet Fitness gyms in Australia as well, none in my state though. "The Judgement Free health club!™" haha yeah right. They've apparently banned deadlifts and grunting. So non-judgemental.

Anyway, here's some inspiration for everyone in this thread:

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Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the no. 1 mistake people make when deciding they wanna start exercising. Baby steps is the way to go.

Edit: I'm finding form again at gym after weeks of feeling shit. It's weird how this stuff goes in waves.

Yeah, it's actually pretty crazy since at the time doing it it didn't seem like it was a whole lot. Learned my lesson: Baby. Steps.
I'm so bloated my shoes barely fit. Note to self: eating fried food all day gives you a different kind of hangover and doesn't cure the original.
I watched the Crossfit Games last night, inspired to do something like that..just for my legs though.

And I somehow lost even more respect for the 'sport' after watching the dips and pullups..
First workout in over a month today!

-Bench 155x8 155x8 185x10 205x4
-Then I did some front squat to shoulder press thing with the preacher bar and 25lb plates, 3 sets of 8 or 10.
-3 sets of arnold press with the 40lb dumbells
-3 sets of a combination finisher. Using the preacher bar with 25lb plates on it, did like 20 reps of shrugs, straight to 10 reps standing shoulder press, straight to 6-8 reps upright rows.

Overall a really fun workout, I'm hurting now. I haven't done any sorts of squats in years, so me legs be killin.

BTW not getting into the Xfit debate fully, just saying that the way they do dips and pullups is a competition thing for speed. They do the vast majority of their pullups and dips more "properly" so the muscles are at maximal capability to do them the way you see in competition. The hard butterfly kip is a technique just like anything else in an athletic endeavour: it's about maximizing results with minimal exertion. And believe me, it's hard as FUCK to do it right.

Remember: it's a competition about speed. Bitching about how they get their chins over the bar is like complaining about how someone runs during a race.
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Damn son, nice job on the bench. You're weighing just a couple pounds more than me right now. Hopefully my numbers start improving once I get back into it. I'm planning to hit the gym tomorrow, not sure what I'm gonna work on though, my legs are still killing me. I might do back and tris or something.
I keep dropping weight, it's kinda crazy. If I hit 190 it means I've lost 50lb since April. Not exactly my intention, either.