How is everyone's training going?

When you work out six days a week and eat a really clean diet, weight can just fall off unless you go out of your way to eat more (which I should probably do).
Gotcha. I'm at my parents' house for 3 weeks or so, I'm hoping to pack on some mass with 24 hour access to that full refrigerator haha. I think just today I had 3 eggs for breakfast with OJ, snack bar around 10, a sandwich piled high with pork and chicken for lunch with a side of mashed potatoes and a glass of milk, another snack bar around 2, a can of ravioli around 4, a little frozen breakfast sandwich around 7 and a slice of cheesecake, and then a turkey sandwich with spinach and ranch like an hour ago. I feel like I'm going to eat all the food before my stepmom goes shopping again.
Hahaha, if you ask me if it's less than four eggs it's just a snack. Admittedly I do like a paleo/primal thing so when it comes to stuff like that I really pound it down.
Gotcha. I'm at my parents' house for 3 weeks or so, I'm hoping to pack on some mass with 24 hour access to that full refrigerator haha. I think just today I had 3 eggs for breakfast with OJ, snack bar around 10, a sandwich piled high with pork and chicken for lunch with a side of mashed potatoes and a glass of milk, another snack bar around 2, a can of ravioli around 4, a little frozen breakfast sandwich around 7 and a slice of cheesecake, and then a turkey sandwich with spinach and ranch like an hour ago. I feel like I'm going to eat all the food before my stepmom goes shopping again.

I miss eating like that.

I am on the cusp of getting sick so I'm not expecting much groundbreaking progress. Have been faithfully going to the gym, 6 days last week, aiming for 5-6 this week. Stalling on lifts but eh, my understanding of it is that you don't move up unless you eat a lot and I'm not eating enough because I don't train enough to eat more --> gain lean mass but not fat.

BTW not getting into the Xfit debate fully, just saying that the way they do dips and pullups is a competition thing for speed. They do the vast majority of their pullups and dips more "properly" so the muscles are at maximal capability to do them the way you see in competition. The hard butterfly kip is a technique just like anything else in an athletic endeavour: it's about maximizing results with minimal exertion. And believe me, it's hard as FUCK to do it right.

Remember: it's a competition about speed. Bitching about how they get their chins over the bar is like complaining about how someone runs during a race.

Bullshit, if everyone is doing the same standard, let's say dead-hang pullups and full extension no bullshit leg kicking dips(maybe pullups cannot remember) then how does time differ? Everyone would have to complete the same exact and without a doubt in ANYONE'S mind, would take more strength to do..If you run in a non-proper form, you are hurting yourself more than anything, so terrible argument man.

But, I expect that a no-form-having-crossfitter!
Bullshit, if everyone is doing the same standard, let's say dead-hang pullups and full extension no bullshit leg kicking dips(maybe pullups cannot remember) then how does time differ? Everyone would have to complete the same exact and without a doubt in ANYONE'S mind, would take more strength to do..If you run in a non-proper form, you are hurting yourself more than anything, so terrible argument man.

But, I expect that a no-form-having-crossfitter!

LOL I can't even get mad. You're just a fucking idiot.

It's a shame this guy doesn't listen to you, he might get in shape someday!!

He can. In fact, he can undoubtedly do more in a single set than you could in a full workout. In order to be good at the kipping pullups, you have to have a VERY strong foundation.

See that's the hilarious thing. Of all the chins/pullups I do, 95% of them are 100% strict, and usually I aim for chest-to-bar. But see, for competition WODs you have to work on the kipping technique because speed is paramount. I can bang out 20 or so strict chinups, probably 15-20 pullups. I've done sets of 10 chinups, chest to the bar, with 50lb hanging off a belt and I can do dips with 100+ pounds hanging off me strict.

And why are they kipping in competition? Because otherwise you'd have to have guys sitting there judging everyone's pullups to determine if it was strict enough to count. Was that little bit of swing intentional, or just from the motion? So they said it doesn't matter HOW you get your chin over the bar, just do it. And you know what? Try it sometime. It's hell on the grip and the back. You'll fail MISERABLY unless you have a strong foundation built upon tons of strict pullups. One of the events is to quickly do a set of 21, then 15, then 9 pullups. Cheat all you want, when you're going for SPEED it's INCREDIBLY hard.

You know why it's a clean and jerk in the Olympics? It used to be the clean and PRESS, but some guys had really flexible backs and could bend backward so far it was almost like doing a standing incline bench and some people thought this was cheating, but trying to judge the back angle is fucking impossible, so the new rule was "Just get it overhead".

In FACT, you could almost call a jerk a "kipping shoulder press". It's a full body endeavor to get the bar overhead. You're using a whole lot muscles aside from the shoulders to "press" the bar. So are you going to say the olympic jerk is a cheating lift? Hm?
I can't really say shit about olympic lifting, i'm interested to give it a whirl but haven't really done any of it.

For pullups, I can't even remember if they moved their legs for a swinging motion, I was more arguing that there should be a clear standard for where a rep begins and from watching those couple of hours on ESPN2 or whatever, I didn't notice subpar reps on other lifting or events(except that weird hammer pounding one) because it doesn't necessarily seem possible. But they do have judges and were still getting dead reps for certain things.

Kipping Shoulder Press is a standing military press? Is that the exercise? I'm not really sure how it looks in a competition, but to me, once the exercise gets to the starting point, I feel shoulders should only be used.
Ugh. Okay, I'll try explain it even more slowly.

1) I said the Olympic jerk is effectively a "kipping shoulder press". Because it's the same general idea of a shoulder press (bar starts at the shoulder girdle, finishes overhead) but it's a full body movement.

2) There IS a clear standard. You have to go from the bottom of the rep and clear your chin to the bar. It's a very fast movement, but if you watch, they do it.

3) Your constant bleating about "only X muscle should be used" is your problem. You're being an armchair expert, snorting at incredibly difficult things because they fall outside your narrow understanding of exercise. You make judgments about "bad form" and yet, somehow, the people who compete are bigger, stronger, faster, and leaner than you by a longshot. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, they know something you don't.

Again, maybe a guy like this just happens to know a thing or two about what he's doing. And he does pretty much everything you say is "wrong".

Don't act all fucking snooty and above when I clearly said I have no fucking idea how the exercise is performed, nor do I even claim anything about it. I also do not like seeing bad form on most exercises, like in your video when your back is fucking in the air, but shit happens when your lifting heavy weight, and personally aggravates me when i'm lifting if my form sucks.

That the handstand pushup? I saw that in the 2011 games I think few months ago while I was at the gym..another insult to any kind of established form. How can you even deny that?
Don't act all fucking snooty and above when I clearly said I have no fucking idea how the exercise is performed, nor do I even claim anything about it. I also do not like seeing bad form on most exercises, like in your video when your back is fucking in the air, but shit happens when your lifting heavy weight, and personally aggravates me when i'm lifting if my form sucks.

That the handstand pushup? I saw that in the 2011 games I think few months ago while I was at the gym..another insult to any kind of established form. How can you even deny that?

You don't understand a lot of things about how exercises are performed.

Anyway I'm sure you're a lot better built than the guys in those pictures right LOL
I really don't have the energy to keep that BS going. He's more than free to do his thing, and it's gonna be his issue when he's still skinnyfat and wondering why all the guys with "bad form" keep progressing.

Really, I don't. I'm pretty shot from today's workout. First time on the log press in a while, got 2 with 205 but would have really liked three. Bleh. Maybe another time.

ALSO, you know what's awesome? Gymnast rings. Holy bananas that was a good purchase. L-pullups and dips and whatnot on 'em? Sheeeooooo.
End of the world workout, to commemorate the Mayan armageddon on 12/21/12 at 11:11:11 UTC.

Bodyweight on the bar (195lb for me)

12 power cleans
21 back squats
12 push jerks
11 L-chinups
11 toes-to-ceiling (ab exercise)
11 waist-high box jumps

Done in 9:47.
They're a sweet exercise. Great for pretty much everything. Don't go too heavy early on though. Work on getting comfortable with the motion.