How is everyone's training going?

They're a sweet exercise. Great for pretty much everything. Don't go too heavy early on though. Work on getting comfortable with the motion.

I've done clean and presses before, so I was pretty comfortable with the motion. I only went up to 115 since I haven't done that sort of thing for a couple months. It felt really good though. I alternated doing set of those and hang cleans. Hang cleans were a little trickier for me since I'm used to having a motion before and after what you do for the hang clean. I'm sure my form will get better as I get more used to it.

and to respond to you rms, I actually don't know a thing about crossfit or what it is. I'm just working on incorporating more powerlifting type exercises. If you have some experience weightlifting then I would recommend watching a few youtube videos to see what the best form for the exercise is and then just go for it with light weight to figure it out.
I think this week I'm just going to follow the same routine I did last week. It seemed to work, I was sore as fuck every day and the different muscle groups got spaced out pretty well.
255 power clean yesterday, 435x3 sumo deadlift afterwards. Surprised that sumo is getting more comfortable the more weight I lose.

Today did the "JT" workout, which means handstand pushups, dips on gymnast rings, and regular pushups as a circut of 21 reps each, then 15, then 9. Managed 17 handstand pushups in a row on that first set, things got bad after that, LOL.

Tried my hand at weighted chins, too. Three strict reps with a 50, then a 60, then tried a 75 but could only get two. Feeling pretty toast right now. Looking forward to binging on Xmas food!!
Ah man so much food over the holidays. O_O

I decided to hit up the leg press yesterday just I really such a vagina that 5 x 5 at 180 was a struggle to complete? Not even 150% of my body weight. For shame.
Anyone have a good leg/cardio circuit? I am tampering with the idea of 1x a week and not really sure what to do, but thinking of;

Stair climber(to start or end workout)
Learn how to do double unders/jump rope in general
overhead/front/regular squats
box jumps

anything im missing, recommend or know something like this?

Don't tell me to run please, i'm over running for awhile.
Never heard of sumo deadlifts before. Just watched a video of it, looks interesting. Is it harder not to bang your knees?

Your shins can get ripped up to fuck pretty easily, yeah. But it works for some body types and I'm beginning to think I'm one of them, haha.

rms, you want a good lower body circuit? Look around through Crossfit WODs. There are tons.

Max rounds in 12 minutes:
Squat with your bodyweight on the bar for 7 reps
7 burpees


21-15-9 reps each for time:
Squat with your bodyweight
Deadlift with your bodyweight
Box jumps
I'm thinking about hitting everything though, I know with those two I won't really get my calves at all, but the box jumps would get my buttocks..trying to get inspired about leg workouts, just squatting is getting boring to me already.
What exactly is it you think your calves do? Those jumps and burpees are calf-murder. Throw in something like power cleans and they're getting plenty of work. Or sprints. That's another one.

Then again I lift for athletics and not aesthetics, so I frequently find myself going "what's the point of that?" when people talk about really blasting bodyparts for show. My bicep work is chins and rows. My tricep work is pressing.

Speaking of, today was my press day. Not bad. Sat around 155-175 for sets of 3 on strict axle press, then a bunch of ring dips/chins. Feeling pretty good.
Had a kind of wimpy DOMS-y gym session today but feels good man. I just need to stop eating all the Christmas candy so I can debloat and actually have a BF% lower than like 30%
What exactly is it you think your calves do? Those jumps and burpees are calf-murder. Throw in something like power cleans and they're getting plenty of work. Or sprints. That's another one.

Then again I lift for athletics and not aesthetics, so I frequently find myself going "what's the point of that?" when people talk about really blasting bodyparts for show. My bicep work is chins and rows. My tricep work is pressing.

Speaking of, today was my press day. Not bad. Sat around 155-175 for sets of 3 on strict axle press, then a bunch of ring dips/chins. Feeling pretty good.

I've done box jumps before and never had a good burn in my calves..and if all I cared was looks I would get on this gay calf machine max the weight and just do that for 8 sets..that's why I included jump rope, good cardio and all calves...I can't believe how condescending you are in almost any post with any contradiction to an idea of yours.

But looks like i'll just mess around with what I already had, pretty much seems like a good enough workout.
What I'm sayin' is dude that the "burn" thing is pointless. You improve your jumping and sprinting abilities and those calves are gonna grow plenty.

Sorry if I don't make you feel all warm and cuddly when I talk to ya. Might have something to do with the fact that 90% of your posts on here are talking shit on my style of training. And yet here you are trying to figure out a way to get a "burn" in your calves.
I talk shit on your terrible form, and your large ego to post videos weekly showcasing it. You don't have to reply to my questions, this isn't your thread or forum, i'm just pandering some ideas and wondering if anyone has done anything with this.
Hey, you don't want help, don't take it. No skin off my nose.

Nice little circuit today. Banded deadlifts on their own, then a little two-parter of KB snatches and wall ball throws. I'll tell ya what's bugging me out, I'm starting to see veins in my legs and shit, haha. It's almost creepy.
Gay argument is gay.

I decided to try that Carnivor Beef Protein instead of the usual whey. I'm sick of all the thick shakes and shit, so I got fruit punch. Hope it works out.

Started free weight squats a couple weeks ago instead of the smith machine. It's a whole different animal. The second week wasn't as bad though. It's like starting all over...ugh.

Up to 85 lb dumb bell presses though. That feels pretty good.

I've finally come out of whatever slump I was in and realized I've put on at least 10 very unhealthy pounds. Time to tighten up the diet again.
Let me know how that goes. I'm kinda curious about non-dairy protein products since I'm trying to up my Paleo-ness.
I'll let you know. I've read mixed reviews on it, and the taste/foaminess is the big issue for most people. Then there's the hardcore WHEY IS THE ONLY PROTEIN RAAAWWWRRR!!! guys, so I'm just going to see how it works for me.
Training is going great, but it's only because I'm at a massive caloric surplus. Not going to build any mass other than GUT with piles of dessert, that's for sure. Gonna poop, have some more coffee and head to the gym soon so I stand a chance of looking less revoltingly carb-faced when I head up to Montreal tonight to celebrate the New Year.

But thanks to absurdly generous vanity sizing, despite carrying around a few lbs of bloat which I intend to drop, I can still wear a 0 at Express, so there's that.
So, my parents are charter members of this gym that is owned by a former Cincinnati Bengals player. I sent him a text about my interest in having him work me out. I start 8 AM on Saturday. Time to get fucking ripped.