How is everyone's training going?

Have I mentioned how much I love using gymnast's rings? Because holy damn. Weighted dips on those things are a revelation.
He played for the 1988 Superbowl team.

I think the only other non-active former players I can think of off the top of my head are Anthony Munoz and Chris Collinsworth. I've got fuzzy images from football cards of some other runningbacks and a D-lineman but can't remember names.
Wow... so I don't need to ever join an all women's gym ever again. Women hog up the machine for over 3 hours doing crappy walking workouts. :/ Changing my membership ASAP.

Edit: P.S. watching women work out in uggs is probably the most aggravating thing ever.
I'm taking today and maybe tomorrow off from lifting. I've been hitting it hard the last few weeks. Been really enjoying the gains.

I am rather depressed about my squats though. Using a smith machine, I was squatting 225 for a few reps. With just free weight, I am only at 155 after 3 weeks. Fuck...alot of catching up to do so that my squat is on par with everything else.

Also, the Carnivor beef protein, so far, has been just fantastic. The fact it tastes like kool-aid is really the best part, because those thick ass whey shakes are just too much for me anymore.

Also: This video and all of their videos about working out are funny as fuck. They are not always correct, but they are entertaining.

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he looked really skinny in that photo

I'll give you that. Cardigan isn't very muscle revealing lol. I don't have any recent pictures, and my webcam is broken, but here is what I looked like the summer before last, probably weighing somewhere in the low 190's/high 180's:

haha thanks man. I look pretty much the same right now, a little less defined though, but it's a good reference. And there's more beard now.
I think the only other non-active former players I can think of off the top of my head are Anthony Munoz and Chris Collinsworth. I've got fuzzy images from football cards of some other runningbacks and a D-lineman but can't remember names.

This guy. Really fucking awesome and cool dude, too:

Hit the gym today for the first time post-silly season and it was hard, but not too bad. Looking forward to getting stuck back in.

I've actually managed to lose more weight through xmas/new year's somehow, doesn't really make sense considering the amount of food and beer I consumed, but I'm not complaining..
There are pretty much no New Years Resolution people at my gym - yesss. Looking forward to taking my sweet time tonight, Friday nights at the gym are the best.

Also pleased to report the holiday pounds I put on over Christmas/New Year have fallen off on their own.
Haha, that's the best, ain't it? I love my gym because there are never resolutioners there. It's too much a "meathead" place.

As for me, fuck. Dropped down to 191. It's all dehydration and me not eating enough this past week and a half. Gonna try to get back up to 200 in the next week or two.

On the plus side, hit a solid 355x2 beltless squat today. Willing to bet I got a good 385 in me if I'm actually "nourished" and "not dizzy", LOL.
I need to change my gym time or my feeding time. No breakfast, cause fuck that, it's like pulling teeth to eat before noon or 1-2 PM. On a normal day I probably eat 500-600 calories before dinner (usually really light on carbs too, yogurt and salad with a bunch of meat in it) and then throw the rest down at dinner. I generally wind up at the gym right before dinner and - who saw it coming - then have to leave after not that long because I get hangry and lightheaded.

Today I thought I'd fight that off by adding a banana, but I ate it too close to gym time and then had pukey banana burps. Also leg day sucks dick.

LOL I love hungover workouts. Did the "jersey shore" today. Five rounds, back and forth between benching your bodyweight and doing strict chins. First round, bench 195x26 and 19 chins. Fifth round, bench 195x3 and four chins, LOL.
I'll give you that. Cardigan isn't very muscle revealing lol. I don't have any recent pictures, and my webcam is broken, but here is what I looked like the summer before last, probably weighing somewhere in the low 190's/high 180's:


You need to work on your core dude! You have some good muscle and then it just turns into nothingness.
There are pretty much no New Years Resolution people at my gym - yesss. Looking forward to taking my sweet time tonight, Friday nights at the gym are the best.

Also pleased to report the holiday pounds I put on over Christmas/New Year have fallen off on their own.

I went in on the January 2nd, and there were so many clueless, fat morons in there I thought I'd have a heart attack and lose my IQ just from sharing oxygen with them. Mostly they stood around and did dumb shit. Like throw 225 on the bar and try to murder themselves cuz they can't lift that much. Ugh...

I have some new goals to meet. I need to drop this fat, which is just diet. I'm getting there though. Then I want to deadlift 405, press at least 100 lb dumb bells, and squat 315 by the end of the year....
Working on improving my diet this year. With my schedule its hard to find motivation to cook for myself, or come home between school/work to eat..or make healthy choices when eating out. I have no self control with food. As for lifting, my stats are up on everything aside from my bench, which I think is due to a neck/upper shoulder issue that isn't healing at all (probably because I continue to bench on it, lol).

Also, the pic wandering taco posted is sort of what my body looks like, except my upper body is bigger. I also have more fat than he does, I'm 5'10 200ish
It's easy to find time to cook meals. I just microwave a sweet potato at work, or get those Minute brown rice cups that you microwave for a minute, and cook a giant batch of chicken breast on a Foreman grill or in the oven, get some frozen veggies you can heat up...there you go.