How is everyone's training going?

Musclepharm Assault for me. Just ordered another jug off Amazon for like $28. Even cheaper than

485 deadlift today, which ain't bad considering I weighed 192. 525 was my old PR but I weighed around 240 then, so for being nearly 50lb lighter I'd say being 40lb away from my best isn't so bad. Did some box squatting after that, got up to 300 for a few sets of five, then polished the day off with lunges and back raises for high reps to get the blood flowing.
Went back to the gym after work. Much better. Kept having almost-pukey arugula burps but it was ok. I wish the leg press wasn't directly next to the boxing ring though, makes wearing shorts feel awkward.
I'm not sure if there's a label (I'm sure SGD would know) for the lift I recently incorporated to my workout, but it's a clean and press that incorporates a squat in the clean. A real full body burner.
Well it depends! I'm guessing you're doing squat cleans, as in you catch the bar on your shoulders mostly standing, THEN squat down. That's a friggin' rough little move there.
Apparently I can't do pullups anymore... I use to do like 20-25 and just did 5 and almost fell to the floor from how bad my heart was burning, felt like I was having a heart attack.
Well it depends! I'm guessing you're doing squat cleans, as in you catch the bar on your shoulders mostly standing, THEN squat down. That's a friggin' rough little move there.

I basically do a deadlift, then go into a squat as I flip the bar up to shoulder height, then stand as a I press. I'm not even quite doing 100lbs with it yet, just trying to get comfortable with the motion etc.
Hit chest today, felt weak as fuck. Could only do 6 reps with 75 lb dumb bells... I know I can do at least that many wtih 85's...Maybe because I hadn't eaten before my workout?

I'm so fucking sore still from free weight squats. I was able to get 4 reps with 155...I'm a bitch.
Hey man everyone started with lighter weights. Not a lot of dudes just walked in squatting 405+.

Hit up some weighted chins today. 3 reps with a 75lb dumbbell, then a hell circuit of 10 reps on incline bench with my weight, 10 strict chins, then carrying a 160lb keg back and forth across the gym.
The problem is I was doing smith machine squats the last year so I wasn't doing real squats, I guess. I'll get it caught up though. I've made hella gains everywhere else. 365 deadlift, 85 lb dumbbell presses, etc.

What's a good way to get stronger to do pull ups? Wide grip, I can do a fair amount of close grip but the wide ones I can do like 2 haha.
Just do them a lot, LOL. I do pullups all the dang time. My daily warmup consists of 3 sets of 10 usually. It's one of those things that just gets easier the more your body gets used to it, y'know?
Just do them a lot, LOL. I do pullups all the dang time. My daily warmup consists of 3 sets of 10 usually. It's one of those things that just gets easier the more your body gets used to it, y'know?

Even if I have a mini heart attack should I keep trying? Since I use to do 10 every time I finished a COD game I guess I was use to it lol.
Even if I have a mini heart attack should I keep trying? Since I use to do 10 every time I finished a COD game I guess I was use to it lol.

Haha, that's not a bad little schedule. I wouldn't say push yourself to the breaking point all the time, but if you have a chinup bar at home it couldn't hurt to hop on and do a couple now and again.
The problem is I was doing smith machine squats the last year so I wasn't doing real squats, I guess. I'll get it caught up though. I've made hella gains everywhere else. 365 deadlift, 85 lb dumbbell presses, etc.

What's a good way to get stronger to do pull ups? Wide grip, I can do a fair amount of close grip but the wide ones I can do like 2 haha.

Yeah SomeGuyDude is pretty much right. I started poorly like last year with maybe 3-4 pullups which is embarassing for me personally, then I probably did like 15 sets of howevery many reps a workout and widest grip possible and in a few weeks I was doing 20 straight with regular close grip..Just takes a lot of time, and I regret it now because I pretty much stopped doing pushups and pullups.

I feel cool today, hit 95 flat chest dumbells twice on my last if my barbell bench went up I might actually be able to enjoy chest days more, but i'm a big fag still.
TBH if you're making progress with the dumbbells you might as well keep going. I gotta say if I see a dude throwing heavy DBs around that's at least as impressive as putting a lot of weight on the bar.