How is everyone's training going?

So yesterday when I was doing chest, I was struggling with even 75 lb dumbbells. I know I can do 85's, but it just felt so heavy. I felt good, had energy, just not the strength. Would this be due to my lower calorie diet?

Yes. Fuel in the tank!

I know I would be a lot stronger if I weren't still enslaved by a pathological fear of regaining the weight I've lost, but it feels somewhat counterintuitive to eat to gain when I am still occupying more space than I want to...

HIIT and leg press today. Hunggfff.
I've got my diet about right finally.

1. A packet of Active Lifestyle oatmeal for breakfast

2. Sweet potato or kidney beans and chicken breast for another meal

3. Rice and tuna for another

4. A handful of almonds somewhere when I'm peckish

5. A banana somewhere as well

This with the protein shake adds up to about 1300 calories. So there's still wiggle room for a snack if I want one.

Also, occasionally I'll substitute a meal with a 6 inch Subway sandwich because they're delicious. Wheat bread, over roasted chicken breast, pepper jack cheese, spinach, onions, green peppers, and red wine vinegar. A six inch is only 360 calories.

Imma be hella lean in a year god damn it.

EDIT: I've dropped all supplements except for creatine, Assault for pre workout, a protein shake after, and Animal Pak vitamins. That's all ya need, baby!
Fuck yeah, Assault. That's my life juice.

1300 is also low as balls dude. Unless you're like 150 pounds. Also noticing a distinct lack of fruits or vegetables except for that lone little banana.
Oh yeah, I eat some frozen veggies. Forgot about that. But as far as that goes I don't eat near as much fruit and veggies as I probably should.

EDIT: I love berries. I shall buy berries. Mmm.
I don't eat near the amount of fruits and veggies I should. (I know this isn't quite the same) I try to make up for it with plenty of vitamin/mineral supplements. Right now my "fruit and veggie" servings that happen consistently are apple juice and iceberg salad. That's an improvement over the absolutely nothing for most of the last decade.

I simply can't stand the taste nor texture of most vegetables and/or fruit, unless heavily disguised. Even for the salad it has to be mixed with chicken and copious amounts of parmesan powder.

That new workout I mentioned earlier really feels like it's giving me "big bang for the buck". My hamstrings are feeling it more than I normally get from standard squats (as opposed to my quads), and my traps/shoulders are already showing some improvement.

I've also been leaving my bench at about 185/195 right now and trying to slide my grip wider instead of upping the weight.
I hate apple juice and iceberg salad! >__<

My main problem is vices...booze, desserts and chicken wings with copious amounts of bleu cheese.

Today in an attempt to go to the gym with a full tank, I stuffed down a protein bar about 1 hour prior to getting there. I hope this = ample energy to do what I want to do...
I hate apple juice and iceberg salad! >__<

My main problem is vices...booze....

Yeah I still have a beer "problem". I also don't care much for Apple Juice, but Walmart sells this "Apple Juice Punch" stuff that is apple juice + some other fruit juices for flavor change. Much better and still 100% juice.

Like I said, I have to hide the green flavor with copious amounts of parmesan and chicken.
Today in an attempt to go to the gym with a full tank, I stuffed down a protein bar about 1 hour prior to getting there. I hope this = ample energy to do what I want to do...

I have this problem as well. I end up going hungry and crashing, or going somewhat soon after I've eaten. Neither are a good combination.

I don't eat near the amount of fruits and veggies I should. (I know this isn't quite the same) I try to make up for it with plenty of vitamin/mineral supplements. Right now my "fruit and veggie" servings that happen consistently are apple juice and iceberg salad. That's an improvement over the absolutely nothing for most of the last decade.

I simply can't stand the taste nor texture of most vegetables and/or fruit, unless heavily disguised. Even for the salad it has to be mixed with chicken and copious amounts of parmesan powder.

That new workout I mentioned earlier really feels like it's giving me "big bang for the buck". My hamstrings are feeling it more than I normally get from standard squats (as opposed to my quads), and my traps/shoulders are already showing some improvement.

I've also been leaving my bench at about 185/195 right now and trying to slide my grip wider instead of upping the weight.

I also hate vegetables. The only thing I really do to make up for it is eating salad's the drinking v8's.
Had a god damned amazing chest/back workout today. Lifted the 85 lb dumb bells again. I also had breakfast beforehand, so that really has to be the key. Deadlifts were great today too. Just did light weight and repped out.
I really need to start eating breakfast and getting up at the same time everyday. A regular sleep schedule is important for weight loss and mine is the opposite of regular.