How is everyone's training going?

I agree. I don't use the barbell either, but I've gone from 40 lb dumb bells to 85 lbs in a few months. Feeling STRONG AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking of doing dumbell bench instead, my barbell bench has been plateaued the last couple weeks, and was going down earlier in the fall before I took the break from lifting. Might need to mix it up or something. I should really work on inclines do, I hardly do those.
I admit I just like bar benching. Really would like my shoulder to stitch back together so I can try and take 405 for a ride this year. :p
Yeah it's my favorite exercise too, but I feel like ever since I tore my chest a few years back I'm always up and down with how much I can do.
25 min HIIT yesterday on the treadmill. Intervals of 30-45 seconds at 9.5 mph and 60 seconds at 4.0 mph. What do you guys do?

I'm still sore today from Monday but looking forward to hitting it. I have a HUGE lunch packed, now I just need to start eating it well enough in advance that I don't have salad burps tonight.

Dropped below 125 again finally, yasssss
I don't do "cardio", per se. I have one sprint day and one longer running day per week but it's less about hopping on and burning calories and more about getting better at running at given distances. When the weather's nice anyway. When it's shitty I tend to improvise.
Winter sucks. I really enjoy steady-state running when I'm outside looking at birds and breathing in fresh air - it relaxes me and I don't find it physically exhausting. Anything else really is kind of like punishment, or just something to fill time to give me 15 minutes to recollect myself before resuming lifting.
TBH if you're making progress with the dumbbells you might as well keep going. I gotta say if I see a dude throwing heavy DBs around that's at least as impressive as putting a lot of weight on the bar.

It just doesn't make sense to me how I can throw 95's up (after 8 sets flat, 4 sets incline) but can't rep 225 yet..that was my long term chest goal, be able to 10x 225 but I hit 215(no spot/help etc) like 2 or 3 times a week or so ago but haven't gone for that weight since, just was repping our 175/195 until I was gassed. But I'm just going to give it time, and maybe my bench will un-plateau
I think it's rough to really correlate bar and dumbbell. At one point I could bench 290 for 9, but I've never gone above the 140s with dumbbells and even that was a pretty damn dodgy set of 5. There's like no math to it, LOL.

Sorta like how you get crazy bastards that are deadlifting all this weight but have a low squat or vice versa. Way I see it if you're improving at SOMETHING that's good, right?
I think it's rough to really correlate bar and dumbbell. At one point I could bench 290 for 9, but I've never gone above the 140s with dumbbells and even that was a pretty damn dodgy set of 5. There's like no math to it, LOL.

Sorta like how you get crazy bastards that are deadlifting all this weight but have a low squat or vice versa. Way I see it if you're improving at SOMETHING that's good, right?

That's how I see it. The fact any of us are in there making gains of any sort is commendable. At least we're in there, right? I am one of those heavier deadlifts/low squat guys haha. But that is because I was doing smith machine squats and never hitting them hard, which is changing. I plan on being up to well over 225 on squats this year.


Because I'm really really watching calories to get rid of my tits. Fuck.
I think it's rough to really correlate bar and dumbbell. At one point I could bench 290 for 9, but I've never gone above the 140s with dumbbells and even that was a pretty damn dodgy set of 5. There's like no math to it, LOL.

Sorta like how you get crazy bastards that are deadlifting all this weight but have a low squat or vice versa. Way I see it if you're improving at SOMETHING that's good, right?

I'm kind of the opposite, my gains with dumbbells are always more significant than my bench gains, something I've never understood. Squat has always been much higher than deadlift, etc.
I think it's rough to really correlate bar and dumbbell. At one point I could bench 290 for 9, but I've never gone above the 140s with dumbbells and even that was a pretty damn dodgy set of 5. There's like no math to it, LOL.

Sorta like how you get crazy bastards that are deadlifting all this weight but have a low squat or vice versa. Way I see it if you're improving at SOMETHING that's good, right?

That is definitely my best motivator.
Mathiäs;10519372 said:
I'm kind of the opposite, my gains with dumbbells are always more significant than my bench gains, something I've never understood. Squat has always been much higher than deadlift, etc.

See what I mean? Lifts rarely correlate the way you think they would. You'd THINK if you can bench 200lb then you can bench 100lb DBs, but it never works out like that.
So yesterday when I was doing chest, I was struggling with even 75 lb dumbbells. I know I can do 85's, but it just felt so heavy. I felt good, had energy, just not the strength. Would this be due to my lower calorie diet?